헨리 페트로스키,연필, 홍성림 옮김, 서해문집, 2020(7).


헨리 데이비드 소로는 메인주 숲maine woods으로 20일간 여행을 떠나면서 꼭 챙겨 가야 할 물건들을 쭉 적어보았다.(14)


헨리 데이비드 소로는 메인주 숲the Maine woods으로 12일간 여행을 떠나면서 꼭 챙겨 가야 할 물건들을 쭉 적어보았다.


영어 원문: Henry David Thoreau seemed to think of everything when he made a list of essential supplies for a twelve-day excursion into the Maine woods. He included pins, needles, and thread among the items to be carried in an India-rubber knapsack, and he even gave the dimensions of an ample tent: “six by seven feet, and four feet high in middle, will do.”


여행 기간을 바로잡았다.


다음 헨리 데이비드 소로의 기록 원문을 볼 것:






The following will be a good outfit for one who wishes to make an excursion of twelve days into the Maine woods in July, with a companion and one Indian, for the same purposes that I did.


Wear,a check shirt, stout old shoes, thick socks, a neck-ribbon, thick waistcoat, thick pants, old Kossuth hat, a linen sack.


Carry,in an india-rubber knapsack, with a large flap, two shirts (check), one pair thick socks, one pair drawers, one flannel shirt, two pocket-handkerchiefs, a light india-rubber coat or a thick woolen one, two bosoms and collars to go and come with, one napkin, pins, needles, thread, one blanket, best gray, seven feet long.


Tent,six by seven feet, and four feet high in middle, will do; veil and gloves and insect-wash, or, better, mosquito-bars to cover all at night; best pocket map, and perhaps description of the route; compass; plant-book and red blotting-paper; paper and stamps, botany, small pocket spy-glass for birds, pocket microscope, tape-measure, insect-boxes.

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