우도 슈넬레, 신약정경개론, 김문경·문병구·임진수 옮김, 대한기독교서회, 2024(초판 2).


289, 각주 10


보캄은 완전히 다르게 본다.[R. Bauckham, “For whom were Gospels written?, ders. (Hg.), The Gospels for all Christians, 948.]


보컴 완전히 다르게 본다.[R. Bauckham, “For whom were Gospels written?, ders. (Hg.), The Gospels for all Christians, 948.]



독일어 원문: Völlig anders R. Bauckham, For whom were Gospels written?, in: ders. (Hg.), The Gospels for all Christians, 948.


따옴표 위치와 인명을 바로잡았다.


Bauckham = [ˈːkəm]







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