151 Yevgeny Zamiatin We 1924 우리들

152 Charles Stross Accelerando 2005
153 Brian Aldiss Helliconia Spring [S1] 1982
154 Brian Aldiss Hothouse (vt Long Afternoon of Earth) 1962
155 Mary Doria Russell The Sparrow 1996
156 Octavia Butler Parable of the Sower 1993
157 Brian Aldiss Non-Stop (vt Starship) 1958
158 Kurt Vonnegut Player Piano 1952 자동피아노(절판)

159 Stephen Baxter Evolution 2002
160 Robert L Forward Dragon's Egg 1980
161 Harlan Ellison [C] Deathbird Stories 1975
162 Philip K Dick Time Out Of Joint 1959
163 Jack McDevitt Engines of God 1994
164 J G Ballard The Drowned World 1962
165 Isaac Asimov (et al) [eds] [A] Hugo Winners/New Hugo Winners 1962
166 Olaf Stapledon Star Maker 1937 스타메이커(품절)
▶ㅎㅎ 나온지 얼마나 됬다고 벌써 품절.

167 Samuel R Delany Babel-17 1966
168 Nancy Kress Beggars in Spain 1993
169 Hal Clement Mission of Gravity 1953 중력의 임무(절판)

170 David Brin Earth 1990
171 Harry Turtledove Guns of the South 1992
172 Jack L Chalker Midnight At the Well Of Souls 1977
173 E E 'Doc' Smith The Skylark of Space [S1] 1946 우주선 종달새(아동/절판)
174 Spider Robinson [C] Callahan's Crosstime Saloon 1977
175 Stephen Donaldson Gap Into Conflict: The Real Story [S1] 1990
176 Cordwainer Smith [C] The Rediscovery of Man 1975
177 Piers Anthony Macroscope 1969
178 Octavia Butler Dawn: Xenogenesis I [S1] 1987
179 William Gibson Idoru 1996 아이도루

180 John Brunner The Sheep Look Up 1972
181 Edgar Allan Poe [C] Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe 1976
182 William Gibson Virtual Light 1993
183 James P Hogan Inherit the Stars 1977 별의 계승자

184 Joan D Vinge The Snow Queen 1980
185 David Zindell Neverness 1988
186 Kim Stanley Robinson Green Mars [S2] 1993
187 Robert J Sawyer Hominids [S1] 2002
188 Joe Haldeman Forever Peace 1997
189 Peter F Hamilton Pandora's Star [S1] 2004
190 Orson Scott Card [C] Maps in a Mirror 1990
191 Kim Stanley Robinson The Years Of Rice and Salt 2002 쌀과 소금의 시대

192 John Christopher The White Mountains [S1] 1967
193 Gibson & Sterling The Difference Engine 1990
194 Richard Bachman The Long Walk 1979 완전한 게임(절판)
▶리처드 버크만은 스티븐 킹의 필명임.
195 Roger Zelazny [C] Doors of His Face, Lamps of His Mouth 1971
196 Michael Moorcock Behold the Man 1969
197 James H Schmitz The Witches Of Karres 1966
198 Vernor Vinge Rainbows End 2006
199 John Brunner The Shockwave Rider 1975
200 Poul Anderson The High Crusade 1960

역시 150위 이하는 거의 출간되지 않은 책들이 많습니다.국내에서도 최소한 서구의 인기있는 200선의 Sf소설정도는 출간되었으면 하는 바램이네요^^

by caspi

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sojung 2011-01-02 22:31   좋아요 1 | 댓글달기 | URL
저도 SF소설은 정말 좋아사는데...리스트를 보기만해도 둑흔둑흔 거리네요

카스피 2011-01-03 22:59   좋아요 1 | URL
ㅎㅎ 두근두근하긴 한데 번역안된 책이 너무 많지요ㅡ.ㅜ