Number the Stars 별을 헤아리며 (영어원서 + 워크북 + MP3 CD 1장) 뉴베리 컬렉션 1
로이스 로리 지음, 김보경 외 콘텐츠제작 및 감수 / 롱테일북스 / 2010년 12월

One of the German soldiers had turned, suddenly, and asked a question of a teenage boy nearby.

"Who is that man who rides past here every morning on his horse?"
"He is our king," the boy told the soldier. "He is the King of Denmark."
"Where is his bodyguard?" the soldier had asked.

The boy looked right at the soldier, and he said, "All of Denmarkd is his bodyguard."-20쪽

She turned to her father. "Papa, do you remember what you heard the boy say to the soldier? That all of Denmark would be the king's bodyguard?"
Her father smiled. "I have never forgotton it,"he said.
"Well," Annemarie said slowly, "now I think that all of Denmark must be bodyguard for Jews, as well"
"So we shall be," Papa replied.-33쪽

"That's the worst thing in the world,"Ellen whispered. "To be dead so young."-53쪽

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덴마크가 참 아름답구나 하고 느끼기도 했어요...

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