by Nancy White Carlstrom, Bruce Degen (Illustrator)

Jessie's not happy about his cousin Sara Bear's upcoming visit because Sara's bigger and bullies everyone. However, as the days of Sara's visit go by, Jesse finds himself learning all sorts of things from his older cousin and having more fun than he imagined. Full-color illustrations.

캐릭터가 귀여운 책이었어요. 그리고 어린시절도 많이 생각나게 하고요

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by Sandra Belton, Benny Andrews (Illustrator)

When his father first takes him to meet Miss Josie, a young boy is somewhat intimadated by her, but through the coming years he comes to treasure her friendship and support and passes on his love of her to his own son. Based on the life of Josephine Carroll Smith.


어렸을때는 어른의 행동과 말에 대해서 궁금한것이 많았고 그들이 꼭 옳지만은 않다고 생각했을 때가 있어요. 그리고 어른과 같은 나이가 되었을때 그들이 옳았다는 것 알게 되지요.

많은 생각을 하게 했던 책이예요

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제목이 마음에 들어 선택한 책이예요.
과연 재미있을지는 두고 봐야겠어요.

위험한 대결 5권.
영문판으로 읽고 있는데, 재미있을것 같아요.

초반에는 좀 지루했었는데, 점차 재미있어요.
메소포타미아 문명이 실로 경의적이네요.

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위험한 대결의 5권이예요.

한국가기전에 5~7권 다 읽고 가야하는데...

레모니 스니켓의 시리즈 이야기 은근히 재미있네요.

지금 현재 11권까지 나와있던데, 과연 끝은 어떻게 될지 궁금해요..

설마.. 레모니 스니켓이 보들레어가의 아이들을 다 죽이는건 아니겠죠....

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by Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake (Illustrator)

George is alone in the house with Grandma. The most horrid, grizzly old grunion of a grandma ever. She needs something stronger than her usual medicine to cure her chronic grouchiness. A special grandma medicine, a remedy for everything. And George knows just what to put into it. Grandma's in for the surprise of her life-and so is George, when he sees the results of his mixture!

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