by Sandra Belton, Benny Andrews (Illustrator)

When his father first takes him to meet Miss Josie, a young boy is somewhat intimadated by her, but through the coming years he comes to treasure her friendship and support and passes on his love of her to his own son. Based on the life of Josephine Carroll Smith.


어렸을때는 어른의 행동과 말에 대해서 궁금한것이 많았고 그들이 꼭 옳지만은 않다고 생각했을 때가 있어요. 그리고 어른과 같은 나이가 되었을때 그들이 옳았다는 것 알게 되지요.

많은 생각을 하게 했던 책이예요

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