Megan McDonald

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하지만 처음 선택한 책은 제일 먼저 나온 책이네요.

Judy Moody는 초등학교 3학년인 주인공의 이름이예요.

Stink이라는 남동생도 있고, 또래보다 조숙하고 자기 표현능력도 있는 소녀랍니다.

학교생활을 하면서 자신이 싫어하던 친구에 대해서 다른면을 발견하게 되어 친해지기도 합니다.

또래 아이들이 읽으면 더 재미있겠다는 생각이 들어요.

자신에 대한 콜라주를 만들어가면서 자신을 스스로 돌아보는 마음도 생기게 하구요.

재미있고, 읽기 쉬워서 앞으로 주디 시리즈를 더 읽을 생각이예요.






McDonald's (the Beezy books) comical novel introduces the entertainingly mercurial Judy Moody. The book itself has a look as fresh as its heroine (a compact trim size and an inventive jacket design die-cut that reveals the bright green and orange of the cover below). From the start, Judy devises intriguing solutions to her dilemmas. The book opens on the first day of third grade, with a hilarious spread in pen-and-ink wash showing only Judy's feet sticking up from her bed as her mother attempts to rouse her from the doorway. What to wear? Judy has no T-shirt to rival her classmates' shirts touting their exotic summer destinations, so the heroine decorates a plain white T with a drawing of a shark and the words "I Ate a Shark." For a "Me collage" at school, she insists that her cat, Mouse, is too old to qualify for the "My Favorite Pet" slot; unable to find a two-toed sloth, she purchases a Venus flytrap and proceeds to overfeed it raw hamburger. Her relationship to her best friend, Rocky, and her second-grade brother, Stink, also propel the plot in diverting directions, and the dialogue is spot-on (e.g., when aspiring doctor Judy gets her kit in the mail, Stink asks, "Why can't I ever be Elizabeth Blackwell, First Woman Doctor?" and she responds, "For one thing, you're a boy"). It's hard to imagine a mood Judy couldn't improve.

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