이번에는 아이들에게 야구 게임을 통해 운동전에 스트레칭의 중요성을 알려주는 이야기를 담고 있어요.

페이퍼백이지만 이제 재질에 익숙해졌는지, 어색하지 않더군요.^^

[책 겉표지]



Marc Brown's new chapter book series features Arthur and his friends for sports fans ready to read on their own. Each book features a longer, sports-related Arthur Adventure and has loads of kid appeal. Arthur is in top form as he and his friends train for a literacy fund-raising race, try to help Binky cope with bench-sitting, give George a boost at recess, and adjust to a new soccer coach. Arthur fans will want to read and collect all of these new chapter books!

Binky refuses to join his teammates in pre-game warm-ups, until he injures himself while running the bases in a game.

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보슬비 2005-12-29 15:59   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
"Almost all of our muscles are hidden under our skin. But one is not"
Francine stuck her tongue out ant the class. Everyone laughed.