Minnie and Moo 시리즈가 여럿 있는데 솔직히 시리즈를 찾아볼정도 재미있지는 않았어요. ^^;;

Minnie and Moo는 소인데, 자신의 농장이 팔릴 운명에 놓이자 7가지 불가사의를 만들어 구경꾼(농장의 동물들)을 모아 기부를 하게 하는것이지요.

[첫 페이지]

[농장과 그 주변]

[Minnie and Moo와 만든 광고 전단지]

Minnie and Moo are the best of friends. Moo has her books. Minnie has her espresso machine. Farm life is good. Almost perfect. Until Moo overhears the not-so-good news that the farmer needs money so desperately that he must sell the farm.

No! He mustn't! Not if Minnie and Moo can help it. Not if the other animals are willing to follow our heroines on a paid tour of Moo's version of the Seven Wonders of the World. Not if that thing in the woods minds its own business.


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