The Help (Hardcover)
Stockett, Kathryn / Putnam Pub Group / 2009년 2월

"How we love they kids when they little..." she says and I see Aibileen's lip tremble a little. "And then they turn out just like they mamas."

->자신이 사랑을 다해 키워놓은 백인 아이들이, 흑인을 무시하는 백인 어른이 되어버린다면 정말 슬플것 같아요.-128쪽

I keep walking and turn at the corner. I didn't want Aibileen to know that. I don't want anybody to know how much I need those Skeeter stories. Now that I can't come to the Shirley Boon meetings anymore, that's pretty much all I've got. And I am not saying the Miss Skeeter meetings are fun. Every time we meet, I complain. I moan. I get mad and throw a hot potato fit. But here's the thing: I kike telling my stories. It feels like I'm doing something about it. When I leave, the concrete in my chest has loosened, melted down so I can breathe for a few days.

-> Minny의 마음을 읽으면서, 누군가 그녀의 이야기를 들어주는것만으로(그녀에게 누군가가 백인 여성이어서 더 좋았을지도 모르겠네요.) 그녀의 응어리진 마음을 잠시나마 풀어줄수 있다는것을 알았어요.-218쪽

"If any white lady reads my story, that's what I want them to know. Saying thank you, when you really mean it, when you remember what someone done for you" - she shakes her head, stares down at the scratched tabe - "it's so good."
Callie looks up at me, but I can't meet her eyes.
"I just need a minute," I say. I press my hand on my forehead. I can't heop but think about Constantine. I never thanked her, not properly. It neber occurred to me I wouldn't have the chance.-260쪽

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