Killing Mr. Griffin (Paperback, Reprint)
Duncan, Lois / Laurel Leaf / 1993년 1월

As Mark had said, it had all gone perfectly, just as they had visualized it. But one thing had happened for which she had not been prepared. The word Mr. Griffin had shouted as the bag came down upon him had been, "Run!"
His concern in that instant had not been for himself, but for her.

-> 처음 이 책을 읽기전에는 Mr.Griffin이 나쁜 선생님인줄 알았는데, 알고보니 나쁜사람이 아니더군요. 게다가 더 깊은 속 뜻을 가지고 있었는데, 그런면을 살짝 본 수잔은 어떤 심정일지 이해가 갑니다.-73쪽

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