Uglies (Paperback) - Uglies Trilogy, Book 1 Uglies 시리즈 4
스콧 웨스터펠드 지음 / Simon Pulse / 2005년 2월

"One of the most beautiful plants in the world. But too successful. They turned into the ultimate weed. What we call a monoculture. They crowd out every other spesies, choke trees and grass, and noting eats tem except one species of hummingbird, which feeds on their nectar. But the hummingbirds nest in tree."
"There aren’t any trees down there," Tally said. "Just the orchids."
"Exactly. That’s what monoculture means : Everything the same. After enough orchids build up in an area, there aren’t enough hummingbirds to pollinate them. You know, to spread the seed."
"Yeah," Tally said. "I now about the birds and the bees."
"Sure you do, kid. So the orchids eventually die out, victims of their own success, leaving a wasteland behind. Biological zero. "

-> 이 책의 가장 핵심적인 이야기를 비유적으로 나타낸것 같네요.-181~182쪽

The flowers were so beautiful, so delicate and unthreatening, but they choked everything aroud them.-182쪽

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