New Moon (Paperback, International Edition) - The Twilight Saga, Book 2 The Twilight Saga 2
스테프니 메이어 지음 / Little Brown & Company / 2006년 1월

His jaw tightened "So eager for eternal damnation," he muttered.
"You know you don't really believe that."
"Oh, don't I?" he fumed.
"No. You don't."
He glowered at me and started to speak, but I cut him off.
"If you really believed that you'd lost your soul, then when I found you in Volterra, you would have realized immediately what was happening, instead of thinking we were both dead together. But you didn't-you said 'Amazing. Carlisle was right," I reminded him, trumphant. "There's hope in you, after all."
For once, Edward was speechless.
"So let's both just be hopeful, all right?" I suggested.
"Not that it matters. If you stay, I don't need heaven."-546쪽

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