오스트리아의 짤쯔감머구트에 있는 구른들제에서 구입한 맥주.

맨 오른쪽의 맥주는 2008년 유로축구를 오스트리아와 스위스가 한 것을 기념으로 유로축구에 잠여한 나라의 국기를 병뚜껑 디자인으로 되어 있었다. 그래서 난 체코 국기를 골랐고 신랑이 좋아하는 이탈리아와 내가 좋아하는 스페인 디자인도 구입했다.

스페인 국기 뚜껑을 가지고 있는 스티에글.

이름이 이뻐서 구입한 에델바이스와 가우디는 생각보다 별로였다. 특히 가우디는 섞인 맥주라서 맥주의 고유한 맛이 없고 알콜 농도도 낮아서 별로..ㅠㅠ

오스트리아에서 여러 맥주를 마셔봤는데 좀 싱거운 듯한 느낌

Gösser Beer

Extract: 11.6°   Alc. vol.: 5.2%
The bottom fermented, light coloured Lager beer delights the palates of beer-lovers around the world. It has a mild aroma of malt and a refreshingly dry flavour derived from the balanced addition of the hops.


Among Styrian breweries, in the south, are the popular Gösser, Puntigamer and Murauer brands. Hirter is produced in the town of Hirt in Carinthia. In Lower Austria Egger, Zwettler, Schwechater, and the popular Wieselburger predominate.

From the more westernly parts of Austria come Kaiser, Zipfer and Kapsreiter in Upper Austria. Upper Austria is also home to famous Freistadt beer (Freistädter Bier). The brewery's organization is unique in that the brewery is a commune - owned and operated by those individuals who own a house within the city walls, thus the name of the town Freistadt (free-city). Continuing West, Salzburg (state) is home to afformentioned Stiegl, as well as Augustiner Bräu (not related to the German one) and Edelweiss. Weissbier (wheat beer) is the most popular type of beer in this region. From Tyrol and Vorarlberg comes Falkenstein, Frastanz, Mohrenbräu, Starkenberger, Zillertaler and the popular Fohrenburger.

One of the most common brands of beer to be found in Austria is Stiegl, founded in 1492. Stiegl brews both a helles (a light lager) and a Weissbier (Hefeweizen), as well as other specialty beers.

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