로커스상 1977년
Winner 「노래하던 새들도 지금은 사라지고」 Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang /케이트 윌헬름(Kate Wilheim) –행복한 책읽기

Mindbridge /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)
Man Plus /흘레데릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
「듄 사구의 아이들」Children of Dune /프랭크 허버트(Frank Herbert) –풀빛(절판),황금가지

A World Out of Time /래리 니븐(Larry Niven)
Shadrach in the Furnace /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
「지구 제국」 Imperial Earth /아서.C 클럭(Arthur C. Clarke) –태백(절판)
Millennium / (Ben Bova)
「엠버연대기-오베론의 손」The Hand of Oberon /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny) –예문

Brothers of Earth / (C. J. Cherryh)
Shattered Chain / (Marion Zimmer Bradley)
Maske: Thaery / (Jack Vance)
Michaelmas / (Algis Budrys)
Triton / (Samuel R. Delany)
The Clewiston Test /케이트 윌헬름(Kate Wilheim)
Dragonsong / (Anne McCaffrey)
Inferno /래리 니븐(Larry Niven) & 제리 파네루(Jerry Pournelle)
「드래곤과 죠지」The Dragon and the George /고든.R 딕슨(Gordon R. Dickson) –시공사(절판)

Cloned Lives / (Pamela Sargent)
The End of All Songs /마이클 무아콕(Michael Moorcock)
Floating Worlds /(Cecelia Holland)
Time of the Fourth Horseman /첼시 퀸 야브로(Chelsea Quinn Yarbro)

수상작  The Samurai and the Willows /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
Piper at the Gates of Dawn 리처드•카우파(Richard Cowper)
「휴스턴, 휴스턴, 들리는가?」Houston, Houston Do You Read? /제임스 탑트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.) – 갈릴레오의 아이들/시공사

The Anvil of Jove /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford) & (Gordon Eklund)
The Eyeflash Miracles /진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
Weather War /(William E. Cochrane)
Media Man / (Joan D. Vinge)
Birthdays / (Fred Saberhagen)
By Any Other Name/ (Spider Robinson)
The Greenhouse Effect/ (Andrew J. Offutt)
A Thrust of Greatness / (Stanley Schmidt)
Plutonium /(Arsen Darnay)
The Crystal Ship/ (Joan D. Vinge)

수상작 「바이센터니얼 맨」 The Bicentennial Man /아이작 아시모프(Isaac Asimov)-동아(절판)

The Diary of the Rose /어슐라.K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance/ (John Varley)
The Phantom of Kansas / (John Varley)
The Hertford Manuscript/ (Richard Cowper)
The Psychologist Who Wouldn't Do Awful Things to Rats /제임스 팁트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
Custer's Last Jump / (Steven Utley) & (Howard Waldrop)
Meathouse Man /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Bagatelle / (John Varley)
Overdrawn at the Memory Bank/ (John Varley)
Woman Waiting / (Lisa Tuttle)

【Short Story】
수상작 Tricentennial /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)
I See You / (Damon Knight)
Custom Fitting / (James White)
The Death of Princes/ (Fritz Leiber)
A Crowd of Shadows / (Charles L. Grant)
Seeing / (Harlan Ellison)
Paradise Beach / (Richard Cowper)
This Tower of Ashes /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Mary Margaret Road-Grader/ (Howard Waldrop)
Appearance of Life / (Brian W. Aldiss)
From A to Z ∓ In the Chocolate Alphabet/ (Harlan Ellison)
The Never Ending Western Movie /로버트 셰클리(Robert Sheckley)
Stone Circle / (Lisa Tuttle)
An Infinite Summer/ (Christopher Priest)
Con Artist / (P. J. Plauger)

by caspi

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로커스상 1976년

Winner 「영원한 전쟁」The Forever War /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman) –시공사(절판),행복한 책읽기
The Shockwave Rider / (John Brunner)
The Computer Connection/ 알프레드 베스터(Alfred Bester)
The Stochastic Man 로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Dhalgren 사뮤엘 R 딜레니(Samuel R. Delany)
「지구 제국」Imperial Earth 아서•C•클럭(Arthur C. Clarke) –태백(절판)
The Heritage of Hastur / (Marion Zimmer Bradley)
Doorways in the Sand /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
Norstrilia / (Cordwainer Smith)
The Female Man / (Joanna Russ)
「엠버 연대기-유니콘의 징」Sign of the Unicorn 로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny) –예문

Inferno /래리 니븐(Larry Niven) & 제리 파네루(Jerry Pournelle)
Showboat World / (Jack Vance)
A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
The Exile Waiting / (Vonda N. McIntyre)
Blake's Progress /(Ray Nelson)
Warriors of Dawn (M. A. Foster)
Lifeboat /고든 R 딕슨(Gordon R. Dickson) & 하리 해리슨(Harry Harrison)
Illuminatus! /(Robert Shea) & (Robert Anton Wilson)
The Birthgrave/ (Tanith Lee)
The Missing Man/ (Katherine MacLean)

수상작 The Storms of Windhaven / (Lisa Tuttle) & 죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Home is the Hangman /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
The Borderland of Sol /래리 니븐 (Larry Niven)
The Silent Eyes of Time / (Algis Budrys)
Arm /래리 니븐 (Larry Niven)
The Custodians / (Richard Cowper)
A Momentary Taste of Being /제임스 탑트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
Allegiances /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
Silhouette / (Gene Wolfe)
Mother and Child/ (Joan D. Vinge)
Ancient Shadows /마이클 무어콕(Michael Moorcock)
Sharking Down / (Edward Bryant)

수상작 The New Atlantis /어슐라 K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
Down to a Sunless Sea / (Cordwainer Smith)
...And Seven Times Never Kill Man /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Retrograde Summer / (John Varley)
A Galaxy Called Rome / (Barry N. Malzberg)
'...For a Single Yesterday' / (George R. R. Martin)
In the Bowl / (John Varley)
Sandsnake Hunter / (Gordon Eklund)
The Black Hole Passes/ (John Varley)
Polly Charms and the Sleeping Woman/ (Avram Davidson)
Cambridge 1:58 A.M. /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
San Diego Lightfoot Sue / (Tom Reamy)
The Venging /그랙 베어(Greg Bear)
「영원한 전쟁 -만델라 소좌」 End Game /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman) –영원한 전쟁/시공사(절판),행복한 책읽기
Blooded on Arachne /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)

【Short Story】
수상작 Croatoan / (Harlan Ellison)
The Mother Trip /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Child of All Ages/ (P. J. Plauger)
Sail the Tide of Mourning / (Richard A. Lupoff)
Doing Lennon /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
Sierra Maestra / (Norman Spinrad)
Rogue Tomato /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
Anniversary Project /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)
Beyond Grayworld /그레고리이 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
Find the Lady /(Nicholas Fisk)
Catch That Zeppelin ! / (Fritz Leiber)
All the Charms of Sycorax/ (Alan Brennert)
Clay Suburb / (Robert F. Young)
Shatterday / (Harlan Ellison)

by caspi

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로커스 상1975년

수상작 The Dispossessed /어슐라 K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
The Mote in God's Eye /래리 니븐(Larry Niven) & 제리 파네루(Jerry Pournelle)
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said /필립.K 딕(Philip K. Dick)
The Godwhale / (T. J. Bass)
The Unsleeping Eye/ (D. G. Compton)
The Inverted World / (Christopher Priest)
Fire Time /폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
「영원한 전쟁」 The Forever War /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman) –시공사(절판),행복한책읽기
The Dream Millennium / (James White)
The Twilight of Briareus / (Richard Cowper)
The Company of Glory / (Edgar Pangborn)
The Domains of Koryphon/ (Jack Vance)
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld /(Patricia A. McKillip)
How Are the Mighty Fallen / (Thomas Burnett Swan)
Total Eclipse / (John Brunner)
The Destruction of the Temple / (Barry N. Malzberg)
Star Gate /(Tak Hallus)
Star Rider /(Doris Piserchia)
A Midsummer Tempest /폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
Prince of Annwn /(Evangeline Walton)
Walk to the End of the World / (Suzy McKee Charnas)
Icerigger / (Alan Dean Foster)
A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows /폴 애더슨(Poul Anderson)

수상작 Born With the Dead /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
A Song for Lya /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Riding the Torch / (Norman Spinrad)
Assault on a City / (Jack Vance)
Strangers /가드너 드조와(Gardner R. Dozois)
The Marathon Photograph/ 크리포드•D•시막크(Clifford D. Simak)
The Araqnid Window / (Charles L. Harness)
On the Street of the Serpents /마이클•비숍(Michael Bishop)
Father / (Pamela Sargent)
Tin Soldier 죠•D•비지(Joan D. Vinge)
「노래하던 새들은 지금은 사라지고-중편판」 Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang /케이트 웰헬름(Kate Wilheim) – 행복한 책읽기

Threads of Time /그레고리•벤포드(Gregory Benford)
The East Coast Confinement /(Arsen Darnay)
The Kozmic Kid /(Richard Snead)

Winner Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans: Latitude 38 о 54' N & Longitude 77 о 00' 13 W / (Harlan Ellison)
The Pre-Persons /필립•K•딕(Philip K. Dick)
That Thou Art Mindful of Him /아이작 아시모프(Isaac Asimov)
I'm Looking for Kadak/ (Harlan Ellison)
On Venus & Have We Got a Rabbi / (William Tenn)
Twig /고든•R•디크슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
Nix Olympica /(William Walling)
If the Stars Are Gods / (Gordon Eklund) & 그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
After the Dreamtime / (Richard A. Lupoff)
The Seventeen Virgins/ (Jack Vance)
The Raven and the Hawk/ (Bill Rotsler)
Getting Home/ (F. M. Busby)
Whale Song /(Terry Melen)
Catman / (Harlan Ellison)
The Gift of Garigolli / (Frederik Pohl) & (C. M. Kornbluth)
Whatever Happened to Nick Neptune? / (Richard A. Lupoff)
A Brother to Dragons, A Companion to Owls /케이트 윌헬름(Kate Wilheim)
A Little Something for Us Tempunauts /필립 K 딕(Philip K. Dick)
Gato - O (Don Picard)
「중력의 문제」 A Matter of Gravity /랜달 개럿(Randall Garrett)-나폴리 특급살인중에/행복한 책읽기

And Keep Us from Our Castles /(Cynthia Bunn)
Forlesen / (Gene Wolfe)
Under Siege /(Robert Thurston)

【Short Story】
수상작 The Day Before the Revolution /어슐라 K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
The Hole Man /래리 니븐(Larry Niven)
Schwartz Between the Galaxies /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
"The Author of the Acacia Seeds" and Other Extracts from the Journal of the Association of Therolinguistics //어슐라 K 르귄 (Ursula K. Le Guin)
The Engine at Heartspring's Center /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
The Four-Hour Fugue /알프레드 베스타(Alfred Bester)
Cathadoniah Odyssey /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
Enter a Pilgrim /고든•R•디크슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
Midnight by the Morphy Watch / (Fritz Leiber)
Royal Licorice / (R. A. Lafferty)
We Purchased People /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
The Stars Below / 어슐라 K 르귄 (Ursula K. Le Guin)
Do You Know Dave Wenzel? / (Fritz Leiber)
Mysterious Doings at the Metropolitan Museum / (Fritz Leiber)
In the House of Double Minds /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
The Mountains of Sunset, the Mountains of Dawn / (Vonda N. McIntyre)
Willowisp /(Joe Pumilia)
Enjoy and Enjoy /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Mute Inglorious Tam / (Frederik Pohl) & (C. M. Kornbluth)

【All Time Novel】
로커스 독자들이 뽑은 영원한 베스트셀러!!!

「듄 -모래의 혹성」 Dune /프랭크 허버트(Frank Herbert) – 풀빛(절판),황금가지

「유년기의 끝」 Childhood's End /아서 C 클럭(Arthur C. Clarke)-동서,모음사,나경문화,시공사(절판)
「어둠의 왼손」 The Left Hand of Darkness /어슐라 K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin) – 자유추리,시공사(절판)
「스트레인져/낯선땅의 이방인」 Stranger in a Strange Land /로버트 A 하인라이인(Robert A. Heinlein) –가서원(절판),곤조

A Canticle for Leibowitz /월터 M 밀러 쥬니어(Walter M. Miller, Jr.)
「파운데이션 시리즈」 The Foundation Trilogy /아이작 아시모프(Isaac Asimov) –현대정보 문화사

「타이거,타이거」 The Stars My Destination /알프레드 베스터(Alfred Bester) –동서,청담사,시공사(절판)

「달은 무자비한 밤의 여왕」 The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress /로버트 A 하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein) –잎새(절판)
「인간을 넘어서」More Than Human/ 시오드아 스타존(Theodore Sturgeon) –시공사(절판)

「신들의 사회」 Lord of Light 러저•제라즈니이(Roger Zelazny)
Stand on Zanzibar / (John Brunner)
「링월드」 Ringworld /래리 니븐(Larry Niven) –여울(절판)
The Dispossessed /어슐라 K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
「파괴된 사나이」The Demolished Man /알프레드 베스타(Alfred Bester)-시공사(절판)
「반지 전쟁」The Lord of the Rings /J•R•R•톨킨(J. R. R. Tolkien) –예문,동서외
「중력의 임무」Mission of Gravity /헐•클레멘트(Hal Clement) – 시공사(절판)

「도시와 별」The City and the Stars /아서.C 클럭(Arthur C. Clarke)-나경문화(절판)
To Your Scattered Bodies Go /필립 호세 파머(Philip José Farmer)
「 다잉 인사이드」Dying Inside /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg) –책세상

「라마의 랑데부」Rendezvous with Rama /아서•C•클럭(Arthur C. Clarke) –고려원(절판),옹기 
「타임 머신」The Time Machine /H.G 웰즈(H. G. Wells) – 책세상외
「높은 성의 사나이」The Man in the High Castle /필립.K 딕(Philip K. Dick) – 시공사(절판)

「우주의 전사」Starship Troopers /로버트•A•하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein)-시공사(절판),행복한 책읽기

「화성 연대기」The Martian Chronicles /레이 브레드버리(Ray Bradbury) –동서(절판),모음사(절판)
「우주 상인」The Space Merchants /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl) & (C. M. Kornbluth)
「우주 전쟁」 The War of the Worlds /H.G 웰즈(H. G. Wells) - 집사재,황금가지외
「우주 도시 시리즈」Cities in Flight 제임스•브릿슈(James Blish) –나경문화(절판)
「2001년 우주의 여행」2001: A Space Odyssey 아서.C 클럭(Arthur C. Clarke)-모음사(절판),황금가지

「악마의 별」A Case of Conscience /제임스 브릿슈(James Blish)
「강철 도시」The Caves of Steel 아이작 아시모프(Isaac Asimov)-자유추리(절판),현대정보문화사

Last and First Men /(Olaf Stapledon)
Star Maker /(Olaf Stapledon)
「사랑에 시간을」Time Enough for Love 로버트.A 하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein)
Davy / (Edgar Pangborn)
The Dragon in the Sea /프랭크 허버트(Frank Herbert)
「바벨=17」Babel-17 /사뮤엘 R 딜레니(Samuel R. Delany)
「여름으로 가는 문」The Door Into Summer /로버트 A 하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein) –고려원(절판),잎새(절판)
「알제논에 꽃다발을」Flowers for Algernon 다니엘•키이스(Daniel Keyes) – 동서외
A Mirror for Observers / (Edgar Pangborn)
The Witches of Karres / (James H. Schmitz)
「1984년」1984 /죠지 오웰(George Orwell)
Rite of Passage / (Alexei Panshin)

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로커스상 1974년

Winner 「라마의 량데뷰」 Rendezvous With Rama /아서•C•클럭(Arthur C. Clarke) –고려원(절판),옹기

Time Enough for Love 로버트.A 하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein)
People of the Wind /폴 애더슨(Poul Anderson)
Protector /래리 니븐(Larry Niven)
The Man Who Folded Himself / (David Gerrold)
Trullion: Alastor 2262 / (Jack Vance)
The Far Call /고든 R 딕슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
To Die In Italbar /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
Today We Choose Faces / 로져 젤라즈니 (Roger Zelazny)
The Cloud Walker / (Edmond Cooper)
Relatives / (George Alec Effinger)
Gravity's Rainbow / (Thomas Pynchon)
Herovit's World / (Barry N. Malzberg)
Hiero's Journey /(Sterling Lanier)
The Doomsday Gene/ (John Boyd)

수상작 The Death of Doctor Island / (Gene Wolfe)
The White Otters of Childhood / (Michael Bishop)
The Feast of St. Dionysus /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Sketches Among the Ruins of My Mind /필립 호세 파마(Philip José Farmer)
Chains of the Sea /가드너 드조와(Gardner Dozois)
The Defenseless Dead /래리 니븐(Larry Niven)
Death and Designation Among the Asadi / (Michael Bishop)
Rumfuddle / (Jack Vance)
The Safety Engineer /(S. Kye Boult)
In the Problem Pit /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Junction / (Jack Dann)
My Brother Leopold / (Edgar Pangborn)
Kjwalll'kje'k'koothailll'kje'k /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
Case and the Dreamer /시오드아 스타 존(Theodore Sturgeon)

【Short Fiction】
수상작 The Deathbird / (Harlan Ellison)
Of Mist, and Grass and Sand / (Vonda N. McIntyre)
Love Is the Plan, the Plan Is Death /제임스 팁트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
The Girl Who Was Plugged In / 제임스 팁트리 쥬니어 (James Tiptree, Jr.)
Ms. Found in an Abandoned Time Machine /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas /어슐라 K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
Wings / (Vonda N. McIntyre)
With Morning Comes Mistfall /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Mud Violet / (R. A. Lafferty)
In the Group/ 로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Field of Vision / 어슐라 K 르귄 (Ursula K. Le Guin)
Many Mansions / 로버트 실버버그 (Robert Silverberg)
The Answer / (Terry Carr)
Barnaby's Clock / (R. A. Lafferty)
Brothers /고든•R•디크슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
The World is a Sphere / (Edgar Pangborn)
Epilog /크리포드 D 시막크(Clifford D. Simak)
The Women Men Don't See / 제임스 팁트리 쥬니어 (James Tiptree, Jr.)

by caspi

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로커스상 1973년

수상작  The Gods Themselves 아이작 아시모프(Isaac Asimov)
「두개골의 서」The Book of Skulls /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg) –북하우스(절판)
「다잉 인사이드」 Dying Inside /로버트 실버그(Robert Silverberg) –책세상

「H•A•R•L•I•E」 When Harlie Was One / (Devid Gerrold)
A Choice of Gods /크리포드 D 시막크(Clifford D. Simak)
The Sheep Look Up / (John Brunner)
There Will Be Time /폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
The Listeners / (James E. Gunn)
「앰버연대기-아바론의 총」The Guns of Avalon /러져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)

The Iron Dream / (Norman Spinrad)
The Fifth Head of Cerberus / (Gene Wolfe)
What Entropy Means to Me / (George Alec Effinger)
The Pritcher Mass /고든 R 딕슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
The Brave and Free Men / (Jack Vance)
Deryni Checkmate / (Katherine Kurtz)
Beyond Apollo / (Barry N. Malzberg)
Other Days, Other Eyes / (Bob Shaw)
A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah / (Harry Harrison)
Yesterday's Children / (David Gerrold)
The Castle Keeps / (Andrew J. Offutt)
Beyond the Resurrection/ (Gordon Eklund)

수상작 A Gold at the Starbow's End /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
The Word for World is Forest /어슐라 K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
The Fifth Head of Cerberus / (Gene Wolfe)
「만델라 이등병」 Hero /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)-영원한 전쟁/시공사(절판),행복한책읽기

Midsummer Century / (James Blish)
With the Bentfin Boomer Boys on Little Old New Alabama / (Richard A. Lupoff)
The Merchants of Venus /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Things Which are Caesar's /고든 R 디크슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
334 / (Thomas M. Disch)
Seventy Years of DecPop /필립 호세 파마(Philip José Farmer)
What Good is a Glass Dagger? /래리 니븐(Larry Niven)
The Mercenary / 제리 파네루(Jerry Pournelle)
Collision Course /(S. Kye Boult)
Common Denominator/ (David Lewis)
Solo Kill /(S. Kye Boult)
Love is a Dragonfly / (Thomas Burnett Swann)
Son of the Morning / (Phyllis Gotlieb)

【Short Fiction】
수상작 Basilisk / (Harlan Ellison)
Patron of the Arts / (Bill Rotsler)
Goat Song /폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
And I Woke and Found Me Here On the Cold Hill's Side /제임스 팁트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
A Kingdom by the Sea /가드너 드조와(Gardner Dozois)
When It Changed / (Joanna Russ)
The Second Kind of Loneliness /죠지.R.R 마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Painwise /제임스 팁트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
The Meeting / (Frederik Pohl) & (C. M. Kornbluth)
The Funeral /케이트 윌헤름(Kate Wilheim)
Man's Reach /안토니 바우처(Anthony Boucher)
Caliban /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
On the Downhill Side / (Harlan Ellison)
Nobody's Home /(Joanna Russ)
When We Went To See the End of World /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
The Big Space Fuck /카트 보네거트 쥬니어(Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.)
Eurema's Dam / (R. A. Lafferty)
The Milk of Paradise /제임스 팁트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
Now + n, Now - n /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)

by caspi

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