로커스상 1977년
Winner 「노래하던 새들도 지금은 사라지고」 Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang /케이트 윌헬름(Kate Wilheim) –행복한 책읽기

Mindbridge /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)
Man Plus /흘레데릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
「듄 사구의 아이들」Children of Dune /프랭크 허버트(Frank Herbert) –풀빛(절판),황금가지

A World Out of Time /래리 니븐(Larry Niven)
Shadrach in the Furnace /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
「지구 제국」 Imperial Earth /아서.C 클럭(Arthur C. Clarke) –태백(절판)
Millennium / (Ben Bova)
「엠버연대기-오베론의 손」The Hand of Oberon /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny) –예문

Brothers of Earth / (C. J. Cherryh)
Shattered Chain / (Marion Zimmer Bradley)
Maske: Thaery / (Jack Vance)
Michaelmas / (Algis Budrys)
Triton / (Samuel R. Delany)
The Clewiston Test /케이트 윌헬름(Kate Wilheim)
Dragonsong / (Anne McCaffrey)
Inferno /래리 니븐(Larry Niven) & 제리 파네루(Jerry Pournelle)
「드래곤과 죠지」The Dragon and the George /고든.R 딕슨(Gordon R. Dickson) –시공사(절판)

Cloned Lives / (Pamela Sargent)
The End of All Songs /마이클 무아콕(Michael Moorcock)
Floating Worlds /(Cecelia Holland)
Time of the Fourth Horseman /첼시 퀸 야브로(Chelsea Quinn Yarbro)

수상작  The Samurai and the Willows /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
Piper at the Gates of Dawn 리처드•카우파(Richard Cowper)
「휴스턴, 휴스턴, 들리는가?」Houston, Houston Do You Read? /제임스 탑트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.) – 갈릴레오의 아이들/시공사

The Anvil of Jove /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford) & (Gordon Eklund)
The Eyeflash Miracles /진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
Weather War /(William E. Cochrane)
Media Man / (Joan D. Vinge)
Birthdays / (Fred Saberhagen)
By Any Other Name/ (Spider Robinson)
The Greenhouse Effect/ (Andrew J. Offutt)
A Thrust of Greatness / (Stanley Schmidt)
Plutonium /(Arsen Darnay)
The Crystal Ship/ (Joan D. Vinge)

수상작 「바이센터니얼 맨」 The Bicentennial Man /아이작 아시모프(Isaac Asimov)-동아(절판)

The Diary of the Rose /어슐라.K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance/ (John Varley)
The Phantom of Kansas / (John Varley)
The Hertford Manuscript/ (Richard Cowper)
The Psychologist Who Wouldn't Do Awful Things to Rats /제임스 팁트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
Custer's Last Jump / (Steven Utley) & (Howard Waldrop)
Meathouse Man /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Bagatelle / (John Varley)
Overdrawn at the Memory Bank/ (John Varley)
Woman Waiting / (Lisa Tuttle)

【Short Story】
수상작 Tricentennial /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)
I See You / (Damon Knight)
Custom Fitting / (James White)
The Death of Princes/ (Fritz Leiber)
A Crowd of Shadows / (Charles L. Grant)
Seeing / (Harlan Ellison)
Paradise Beach / (Richard Cowper)
This Tower of Ashes /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Mary Margaret Road-Grader/ (Howard Waldrop)
Appearance of Life / (Brian W. Aldiss)
From A to Z ∓ In the Chocolate Alphabet/ (Harlan Ellison)
The Never Ending Western Movie /로버트 셰클리(Robert Sheckley)
Stone Circle / (Lisa Tuttle)
An Infinite Summer/ (Christopher Priest)
Con Artist / (P. J. Plauger)

by caspi

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