로커스상 1974년
Winner 「라마의 량데뷰」 Rendezvous With Rama /아서•C•클럭(Arthur C. Clarke) –고려원(절판),옹기
Time Enough for Love 로버트.A 하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein)
People of the Wind /폴 애더슨(Poul Anderson)
Protector /래리 니븐(Larry Niven)
The Man Who Folded Himself / (David Gerrold)
Trullion: Alastor 2262 / (Jack Vance)
The Far Call /고든 R 딕슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
To Die In Italbar /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
Today We Choose Faces / 로져 젤라즈니 (Roger Zelazny)
The Cloud Walker / (Edmond Cooper)
Relatives / (George Alec Effinger)
Gravity's Rainbow / (Thomas Pynchon)
Herovit's World / (Barry N. Malzberg)
Hiero's Journey /(Sterling Lanier)
The Doomsday Gene/ (John Boyd)
수상작 The Death of Doctor Island / (Gene Wolfe)
The White Otters of Childhood / (Michael Bishop)
The Feast of St. Dionysus /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Sketches Among the Ruins of My Mind /필립 호세 파마(Philip José Farmer)
Chains of the Sea /가드너 드조와(Gardner Dozois)
The Defenseless Dead /래리 니븐(Larry Niven)
Death and Designation Among the Asadi / (Michael Bishop)
Rumfuddle / (Jack Vance)
The Safety Engineer /(S. Kye Boult)
In the Problem Pit /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Junction / (Jack Dann)
My Brother Leopold / (Edgar Pangborn)
Kjwalll'kje'k'koothailll'kje'k /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
Case and the Dreamer /시오드아 스타 존(Theodore Sturgeon)
【Short Fiction】
수상작 The Deathbird / (Harlan Ellison)
Of Mist, and Grass and Sand / (Vonda N. McIntyre)
Love Is the Plan, the Plan Is Death /제임스 팁트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
The Girl Who Was Plugged In / 제임스 팁트리 쥬니어 (James Tiptree, Jr.)
Ms. Found in an Abandoned Time Machine /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas /어슐라 K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
Wings / (Vonda N. McIntyre)
With Morning Comes Mistfall /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Mud Violet / (R. A. Lafferty)
In the Group/ 로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Field of Vision / 어슐라 K 르귄 (Ursula K. Le Guin)
Many Mansions / 로버트 실버버그 (Robert Silverberg)
The Answer / (Terry Carr)
Barnaby's Clock / (R. A. Lafferty)
Brothers /고든•R•디크슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
The World is a Sphere / (Edgar Pangborn)
Epilog /크리포드 D 시막크(Clifford D. Simak)
The Women Men Don't See / 제임스 팁트리 쥬니어 (James Tiptree, Jr.)
by caspi