65.베이나드 켄드릭(Baynard Hardwick Kendrick)
〔별명 리처드 헤이워드 (Richard Hayward) 〕미국 MWA 초대회장

■작가 소개■
미국의 추리소설가.
필라델피아에서 태어나 고등학교를 졸업 후 플로리다에서 여러가지 직업을 전전한 끝에
1932년부터 작가 생활에 시작한다.
제1차 세계 대전에 참전하여 훈장을 받고 무사히 귀환했으며 제이차 세계대전에 미국 육군의 부상 군인 예후 요양소의 고문을 맡기도 했다.

미스테리의 분야에 있어 우선 전형적인 대식가 탐정 라이스 보안관보라고 하는 시리즈 탐정을 창조했는데 3편의 장편과 펄프 잡지〈블랙 마스크〉에14편의 중편을 발표한다.
그러나 그의 이름을 일약 유명하게 한 것은,1937년부터 발표된 맹인 명탐정 덩컨 마크레인 대위의 시리즈였다.
마크레인 대위 시리즈는 켄드릭크가 실제로 눈의 부자유스러운 사람들과 15년에 걸친 교류를 지속하는 가운데 그려져 그 리얼리티 흘러넘치는 스토리 전개와 맹인인 것을 최대한으로 살린 절묘한 트릭이 커다란 호평을 얻게되어 어네스트 브래마가 창조한 홈스가 활동하던 시기에 활약한 맹인 탐정 맥스 캐러도스와 어깨를 나란히 하는 맹인 탐정의 대표격으로서 역사에 이름을 남기게 된다.

또 작가로서는1951년에 영화화된 「Lights Out (사라진 빛)」로도 유명하고,그 밖에도 미국 탐정 작가 클럽(MWA)의 창설에 깊게 관련하여 1945년에는 초대회장으로 취임하여 미스테리 작가끼리의 교류가 원활케 하는 역할도 했다.덧붙여서 MWA의 회원 번호는 1번이라고 한다.그리고 그러한 공적과 오랜 세월의 작가 활동이 평가되어 1967년에는 MWA의 거장상(그랜드 마스터상)도 수상하게 된다.
베이나드 켄드릭의 작품은 국내에서 번역된바 없는것으로 여겨진다.

■작가 파일■
출신지: 미국, 펜시르바니아주 필라델피아 출생
생몰: 1894년4 월8 일~1977 년
경력;1932년 여러가지 직업을 전전한 후, 이 해부터 작가 생활 시작
       1937년-맹인 탐정 덩컨 마크레인 대위 첫등장이 되는 장편 「The Last Express
         (마지막 급행)」를 발표
       1945년-미국 탐정 작가 클럽(MWA)의 창설하여 초대회장으로 취임
       1967년-오랜 세월의 공적을 인정받아 미국 탐정 작가 클럽(MWA) 상의 거장상을 수상
시리즈 탐정: 맹인 탐정 덩컨 마크레인 대위 (Captain Duncan Maclain)
                  마일즈 스탠디쉬 라이스 보안관보 (Miles Standish Rice)
대표작 「The Last Express (마지막 급행)」 「Blind Man's Bluff 」

국내 발행:미출간

by caspi

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로커스상 1985

【SF Novel】
수상작 The Integral Trees /래리 니븐 (Larry Niven)
Demon //(John Varley)
Heechee Rendezvous /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand //(Samuel R. Delany)
Chanur's Venture/(C. J. Cherryh)
Across the Sea of Suns /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
West of Eden /(Harry Harrison)
「뉴로맨서」Neuromancer /월리엄 깁슨(William Gibson) –청담사(절판),열음사(절판),황금가지
The Final Encyclopedia /고든•R•디크슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
City of Sorcery /(Marion Zimmer Bradley)
Icehenge //(Kim Stanley Robinson)
The Peace War /(Vernor Vinge)
World's End/(Joan D. Vinge)
Clay's Ark //(Octavia E. Butler)
The Adversary //(Julian May)
The Wild Shore/(Kim Stanley Robinson)
「듄 사막의 이단자」 Heretics of Dune /프랭크 허버트(Frank Herbert)

Emergence/ (David R. Palmer)
A Day for Damnation /(David Gerrold)
Native Tongue/ (Suzette Haden Elgin)
Green Eyes/ /(Lucius Shepard)
Free Live Free/ 진•울프(Gene Wolfe)
Star Rebel /(F. M. Busby)
Dr. Adder /(K. W. Jeter)
The Man Who Melted //(Jack Dann)
The Glamour /(Christopher Priest)
The Practice Effect /데이비드 브린(David Brin)
Steam Bird/(Hilbert Schenck)
Them Bones /(Howard Waldrop)
Circumpolar! /(Richard A. Lupoff)

【Fantasy Novel】
수상작 Job: A Comedy of Justice /로버트•A•하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein)
수상작 Vampire Junction / (S. P. Somtow)

Damiano's Lute / (R. A. MacAvoy)
Raphael/ (R. A. MacAvoy)
The Talisman /스티븐 킹(Stephen King) & (Peter Straub)
The Infinity Concerto /그랙 베어(Greg Bear)
Gilgamesh the King /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
The Ladies of Mandrigyn/ Barbara Hambly)
Enchanter's End Game / (David Eddings)
The Businessman / (Thomas M. Disch)
Bearing an Hourglass / (Piers Anthony)
Crewel Lye: A Caustic Yarn / (Piers Anthony)
Castle of Wizardry / (David Eddings)
Mythago Wood //(Robert Holdstock)
Who Made Stevie Crye? /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
Cards of Grief / (Jane Yolen)
The Hero and the Crown / (Robin McKinley)
Maia / (Richard Adams)
Nights at the Circus/ (Angela Carter)
Brisingamen/ (Diana L. Paxson)
Moonheart / (Charles de Lint)
The Third Book of Swords / (Fred Saberhagen)
Fire and Hemlock/ (Diana Wynne Jones)
Half a Sky / (R. A. Lafferty)
The Ceremonies (T. E. D. Klein)
The Bishop's Heir / (Katherine Kurtz)
The Beggar Queen / (Lloyd Alexander)

수상작 Press Enter[]/ (John Varley)
The Scapegoat (C. J. Cherryh)
The Ballad of the Flexible Bullet /스티븐 킹(Stephen King)
The Blister/ 프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
A Traveler's Tale / (Lucius Shepard)
Trinity / (Nancy Kress)
Marrow Death / (Michael Swanwick)
Young Doctor Eszterhazy / (Avram Davidson)
The Sweet Sad Queen of the Grazing Isles/ 프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
In the Sumerian Marshes /(Gerald Pearce)
The Greening of Bed-Stuy /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
The Unconquered Country / (Geoff Ryman)
Some Are Born Great /(J. A. Lawrence)
Cyclops /데이비드 브린(David Brin)
Floodtide (Ben Bova)

수상작  Bloodchild / (Octavia E. Butler)
The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule / (Lucius Shepard)
Blued Moon /코니 윌리스(Connie Willis)
The Lucky Strike (Kim Stanley Robinson)
With a Little Help From Her Friends /마이클•비숍(Michael Bishop)
The Kindly Isle /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Silicon Muse /(Hilbert Schenck)
Summer Solstice / (Charles L. Harness)
Bad Medicine / (Jack Dann)
Black Coral / (Lucius Shepard)
Foreign Skins / (Tanith Lee)
Freedom Beach (John Kessel) & (James Patrick Kelly)
Trojan Horse / (Michael Swanwick)
Draco Draco / (Tanith Lee)
Demon Lover /(M. Sargent MacKay)
Promises to Keep / (Jack McDevitt)
Slowly & Slowly in the Wind/(Rob Chilson)
A Message to the King to Brobdingnag/ (Richard Cowper)
Twilight Time / (Lewis Shiner)
Three Days/ (Tanith Lee)
Another One Hits the Road / (Pat Cadigan)
Five Mercies/(Michael Conner)
We Remember Babylon /이언 와트슨(Ian Watson)

【Short Story】
Winner Salvador / (Lucius Shepard)
The Crystal Spheres /데이비드 브린(David Brin)
The Aliens Who Knew, I Mean,Everything/ (George Alec Effinger)
A Cabin on the Coast/ 진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
Bright Burning Tiger / (Tanith Lee)
Ridge Running / (Kim Stanley Robinson)
Criticality/ 프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Armageddon Between Sets/ (Edward Bryant)
The Map/ 진•울프(Gene Wolfe)
A Troll and Two Roses / (Patricia A. McKillip)
Tourist Trade /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Kitemaster / (Keith Roberts)
Dinner Party /가드너 드조와(Gardner Dozois)
Sunken Gardens /블루스 스털링(Bruce Sterling)
Bodies / (Joanna Russ)
Out of Time / (Ben Bova)
At the Embassy Club / (Elizabeth A. Lynn)
Fears / (Pamela Sargent)
New Rose Hotel /윌리엄 깁슨(William Gibson)
Heat of Fusion / (John M. Ford)
When the Music's Over... / (Michael Swanwick)
Morning Child /가드너 드조와(Gardner Dozois)
The Affair /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
The Gods in Flight / (Brian W. Aldiss)
Strangeness & Charm and Spin /케이트 윌헬름(Kate Wilheim)
The Eichman Variations / (George Zebrowski)
On Cannon Beach / (Marta Randall)
Helpless & Helpless / (Howard Waldrop)
The Scent of Silverdill / (Richard Cowper)
Crow/ (James Patrick Kelly)
Barking Dogs /(Terence M. Green)

by caspi

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로커스상 1984

【SF Novel】
수상작 「떠오르는 태양」Startide Rising /데이비드 브린(David Brin) –움직이는 책(절판)
「새벽의 로봇」The Robots of Dawn /아이작 아시모프(Isaac Asimov) – 현대정보문화사

Millennium / (John Varley)
Helliconia Summer/ (Brian W. Aldiss)
The Void Captain's Tale/ (Norman Spinrad)
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern/ (Anne McCaffrey)
Thendara House / (Marion Zimmer Bradley)
Against Infinity/ 그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
Orion Shall Rise /폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
The Nonborn King / (Julian May)
Superluminal / (Vonda N. McIntyre)
Welcome, Chaos/ (Kate Wilheim)
The Crucible of Time / (John Brunner)
Worlds Apart /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)
Valentine Pontifex /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Gods of Riverworld /필립 호세 파마(Philip José Farmer)
The Citadel of the Autarch /진•울프(Gene Wolfe)
Forty Thousand in Gehenna / (C. J. Cherryh)
A Matter for Men / (David Gerrold)
The Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica /(John Calvin Batchelor)
Wall Around a Star /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl) & (Jack Williamson)
Golden Witchbreed /(Mary Gentle)
Broken Symmetries /(Paul Preuss)
Roderick at Random /(John Sladek)
There Is No Darkness/ 죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman) & (Jack C. Haldeman II)
Code of the Lifemaker / (James P. Hogan)
Tik-Tok / (John Sladek)
Transformer/ (M. A. Foster)

【Fantasy Novel】
수상작 The Mists of Avalon / (Marion Zimmer Bradley)
「아누비스의 문」The Anubis Gates/ 팀 파워스(Tim Powers) -웅진지식하우스
The Armageddon Rag /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Lyonesse / (Jack Vance)
White Gold Wielder / (Stephen R. Donaldson)
Christine /스티븐•킹(Stephen King)
Pet Sematary /스티븐•킹(Stephen King)
The Dreamstone/ (C. J. Cherryh)
Damiano / (R. A. MacAvoy)
Neveryona / (Samuel R. Delany)
Dragon on a Pedestal / (Piers Anthony)
Hart's Hope /오슨 스콧 카드(Orson Scott Card)
Cugel's Saga / (Jack Vance)
The Sword of Winter / (Marta Randall)
Tea with the Black Dragon/ (R. A. MacAvoy)
Magician's Gambit / (David Eddings)
The Tree of Swords and Jewels / (C. J. Cherryh)
On a Pale Horse / (Piers Anthony)
Floating Dragon / (Peter Straub)
「끝없는 이야기」The Neverending Story /미카엘•엔데(Michael Ende) -비룡소외
Anackire / (Tanith Lee)
The Dragon Waiting / (John M. Ford)
Sung in Shadow / (Tanith Lee)
Ware Hawk! / (Andre Norton)
The Silent Gondoliers (S. Morgenstern/ (William Goldman))
The Sword Is Forged/ (Evangeline Walton)

수상작 Her Habiline Husband /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
Cascade Point / (Timothy Zahn)
Seeking /(David R. Palmer)
Homefaring /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Hardfought/ 그랙 베어(Greg Bear)
Hurricane Claude / (Hilbert Schenck)
The Gospel According to Gamaliel Crucis /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
The Lord of the Skies/ 프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
The Curse of the Smalls and the Stars / (Fritz Leiber)
In the Face of My Enemy /(Joseph H. Delaney)
Gilpin's Space/ (R. Bretnor)
Aquila Meets Bigfoot / (Somtow Sucharitkul)
Eszterhazy and the Autogondola-Invention / (Avram Davidson)

수상작 The Monkey Treatment /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Black Air/ (Kim Stanley Robinson)
Slow Birds /이언 와트슨(Ian Watson)
「블래드•뮤직 단편판」 Blood Music /그랙 베어(Greg Bear) - 움직이는 책(절판)
Street Meat / (Norman Spinrad)
The Sidon in the Mirror /코니 윌리스(Connie Willis)
Multiples /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
The Black Current /이언 와트슨(Ian Watson)
The Invasion of the Church of the Holy Ghost /(Russell Kirk)
The Final Report on the Lifeline Experiment / (Timothy Zahn)
The Monkey's Bride /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
The Mind of Medea/ 케이트 윌헬름(Kate Wilheim)
Blind Shemmy/ (Jack Dann)
And the Marlin Spoke/ 마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
Remembering Siri/ 댄 시몬즈(Dan Simmons)
Cicada Queen/블루스 스털링(Bruce Sterling)
Into Whose Hands / (Karl Edward Wagner)
Belling Martha / (Leigh Kennedy)
Red Star, Winter Orbit /블루스 스털링(Bruce Sterling) & 윌리엄 깁슨(William Gibson)
In Whose Name Do We Seek the Quark?/ (Thomas Dulski)
Nunc Dimittis / (Tanith Lee)
A Simple Case of Suicide / (Marc Stiegler)
The Hills Behind Hollywood High /(Avram Davidson) & (Grania Davis)
Deep Song/ (R. Bretnor)
Life on the Tether/ (Mark Wheeler)
A Day in the Life of Justin Argento Morrell/ (Greg Frost)

【Short Story】
수상작 Beyond the Dead Reef /제임스 탑트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
The Peacemaker /가드너 드조와(Gardner Dozois)
Spending a Day at the Lottery Fair/ 프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Servant of the People/ 프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Speech Sounds / (Octavia E. Butler)
Spook/ 블루스 스털링(Bruce Sterling)
The Geometry of Narrative / (Hilbert Schenck)
Wong's Lost and Found Emporium / (William F. Wu)
Her Furry Face/ (Leigh Kennedy)
Brothers / (Richard Cowper)
Amanda and the Alien /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Solitario's Eyes/ (Lucius Shepard)
Needle in a Timestack/ 로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Stone Eggs / (Kim Stanley Robinson)
Golden Gate / (R. A. Lafferty)
Potential/ 아이작 아시모프(Isaac Asimov)
Man-Mountain Gentian / (Howard Waldrop)
La Ronde/ (Damon Knight)
Revisions / (Gordon Eklund)
Basileus/ 로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
The Man Outside 1O. Niemand / (George Alec Effinger)
CallLink4(Cathy)/ (Cherie Wilkerson)

by caspi

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로커스상 1983

【SF Novel】
수상작 「파운데이션의 저 쪽」 Foundation's Edge /아이작 아시모프(Isaac Asimov) –현대문화 정보사
「2010년 우주의 여행」 2010: Odyssey Two /아서.C 클럭(Arthur C. Clarke) –모음사(절판)
「프라이 데이」 Friday /로버트.A 하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein) –시공사

The Pride of Chanur / (C. J. Cherryh)
Courtship Rite /(Donald Kingsbury)
Helliconia Spring / (Brian W. Aldiss)
The Crystal Singer / (Anne McCaffrey)
Starburst /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Merchanter's Luck / (C. J. Cherryh)
Life, the Universe and Everything /더글라스•아담스(Douglas Adams)
The Golden Torc / (Julian May)
Hawkmistress! / (Marion Zimmer Bradley)
Roderick / (John Sladek)
No Enemy But Time /마이클비숍(Michael Bishop)
Eye of Cat /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
The Descent of Anansi /래리 니븐(Larry Niven) & (Steven Barnes)
Mindkiller / (Spider Robinson)
A Rose for Armageddon /(Hilbert Schenck)
The White Plague /프랭크 허버트(Frank Herbert)
Coils / (Roger Zelazny) & (Fred Saberhagen)
Wintermind /(Marvin Kaye) & 파크 고드윈(Parke Godwin)
Birthright: The Book of Man /마이크 레즈닉(Mike Resnick)
Aurelia / (R. A. Lafferty)
Light on the Sound / (Somtow Sucharitkul)
Nor Crystal Tears / (Alan Dean Foster)
The Fall of the Shell (Paul Williams)

【Fantasy Novel】
수상작 The Sword of the Lictor /진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
The Citadel of the Autarch /진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
Fevre Dream /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
The One Tree /(Stephen R. Donaldson)
The Transmigration of Timothy Archer /필립•K•딕(Philip K. Dick)
Ogre, Ogre / (Piers Anthony)
Tempting Fate/ (Chelsea Quinn Yarbro)
Centaur Aisle / (Piers Anthony)
Juxtaposition / (Piers Anthony)
Oh, Susannah /케이트 윌헬름(Kate Wilheim)
Pawn of Prophecy / (David Eddings)
Elfstones of Shannara/ (Terry Brooks)
The Black Beast / (Nancy Springer)
The Swordbearer / (Glen Cook)
In Winter's Shadow /(Gillian Bradshaw)
In Viriconium / (M. John Harrison)
The Delicate Dependency /(Michael Talbot)
The Blue Sword / (Robin McKinley)
The Bloodwind / (Charles L. Grant)

수상작 Souls / (Joanna Russ)
Unsound Variations /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Thesme and the Ghayrog /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
「집배원 」 The Postman /데이비드•브린(David Brin)
Horrible Imaginings / (Fritz Leiber)
Another Orphan / (John Kessel)
The Fishing of the Demon Sea / (Michael Shea)
The Breathing Method /스티븐 킹(Stephen King)
The Devil of Malkirk /찰즈 셰필드(Charles Sheffield)
To Leave a Mark / (Kim Stanley Robinson)
Brainchild / (Joseph H. Delaney)
Rats in the Moon / (Pauline Ashwell)
Beyond All Measure/ (Karl Edward Wagner)
Moon of Ice /(Brad Linaweaver)
The Magi /(Damien Broderick)

수상작 Djinn & No Chaser / (Harlan Ellison)
Willow / (C. J. Cherryh)
Myths of the Near Future /J•G•발라드(J. G. Ballard)
「화재감시원」 Fire Watch /코니 윌리스(Connie Willis) –시간여행sf걸작선/고려원(절판)

High Steel / (Jack C. Haldeman II) & (Jack Dann)
Swarm / (Bruce Sterling)
The Gorgon / (Tanith Lee)
Pawn's Gambit/ (Timothy Zahn)
Flare Time /래리 니븐 (Larry Niven)
Understanding Human Behavior / (Thomas M. Disch)
Nightlife/ (Phyllis Eisenstein)
The Pope of the Chimps /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Aquila / (Somtow Sucharitkul)
The Raft/ (Stephen King)
Come Then, Mortal & We Will Seek Her Soul / (Michael Shea)
Farmer on the Dole /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Burning Chrome /윌리엄 깁슨(William Gibson)
The Little Dirty Girl / (Joanna Russ)
Relativistic Effects /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
A Private Whale / (Brian W. Aldiss)
Blind Windows / (Garry Kilworth)
Helen ∓ Whose Face Launched Twenty-Eight Conestoga Hovercraft / (Leigh Kennedy)

【Short Story】
수상작 Sur /어슐라.K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
The Boy Who Waterskied to Forever /제임스 탑트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
Spider Rose / (Bruce Sterling)
God's Hooks / (Howard Waldrop)
Melancholy Elephants/ (Spider Robinson)
Petra 그랙 베어(Greg Bear)
A Letter from the Clearys/ 코니 윌리스(Connie Willis)
Dr. Bhumbo Singh / (Avram Davidson)
The Scourge / (James White)
The Man Who Met Picasso / (Michael Swanwick)
It Grows On You /스티븐킹(Stephen King)
The Sorceress in Spite of Herself / (Pat Cadigan)
The Theology of Water /(Hilbert Schenck)
The Horror on the #33 / (Michael Shea)
Blair House/ (Barry N. Malzberg)
Ike at the Mike/ (Howard Waldrop)
Coexistence /데이비드 브린(David Brin)
Gianni /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Written in Water / (Tanith Lee)
The Garden of the Cognoscenti / (Michael P. Kube-McDowell)
Kitemaster / (Keith Roberts)
Corridors / (Barry N. Malzberg)
The Broken Hoop / (Pamela Sargent)
The Comedian / (Timothy R. Sullivan)
Poems to Play on the Piccolo /(George Chesbro)
The River Styx Runs Upstream /댄 시몬즈(Dan Simmons)
Meet Me At Apogee /(Bill Johnson)
What in Solemn Silence / (Charles L. Grant)

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로커스상 1982

【SF Novel】
수상작 The Many-Colored Land / (Julian May)
Windhaven /죠지.R.R 마틴(George R. R. Martin) & (Lisa Tuttle)
Downbelow Station / (C. J. Cherryh)
Dream Park /래리 니븐(Larry Niven) & 스티븐 번즈(Steven Barnes)
Project Pope /크리포드.D 시막(Clifford D. Simak)
「듄 -사막의 황제」 God Emperor of Dune /프랭크 허버트(Frank Herbert) –풀빛(절판),황금가지

The Cool War /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Sharra's Exile / (Marion Zimmer Bradley)
Oath of Fealty /래리 니븐(Larry Niven) & 제리 파네루(Jerry Pournelle)
Riddley Walker /(Russell Hoban)
The Divine Invasion /필립•K•딕(Philip K. Dick)
The Book of Dreams / (Jack Vance)
The Sardonyx Net / (Elizabeth A. Lynn)
King David's Spaceship/ 제리 파네루(Jerry Pournelle)
Worlds /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)
At the Eye of the Ocean / (Hilbert Schenck)
Radix / (A. A. Attanasio)
The Unreasoning Mask /필립•호세•파마(Philip José Farmer)
Voyagers / (Ben Bova)
Dream Dancer/ (Janet Morris)
The Pride of Chanur / (C. J. Cherryh)
The Dreamers / (James E. Gunn)
Twelve Fair Kingdoms /(Suzette Haden Elgin)
Giants' Star / (James P. Hogan)
The Affirmation / (Christopher Priest)
Deathhunter / (Ian Watson)
Valis /필립•K•딕(Philip K. Dick)
Lilith / (Jack L. Chalker)
Systemic Shock/ (Dean Ing)
In the Hands of Glory / (Phyllis Eisenstein)
Wave Without a Shore / (C. J. Cherryh)

【Fantasy Novel】
수상작 The Claw of the Conciliator/ 진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
Little, Big / (John Crowley)
「변화의 땅 」 The Changing Land 러저 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)

The War Hound and the World's Pain /마이클 무아콕(Michael Moorcock)
The Captive / (Robert Stallman)
Camber the Heretic / (Katherine Kurtz)
The Keep/ (F. Paul Wilson)
Horn Crown / (Andre Norton)
A Sense of Shadow /케이트 윌헬름(Kate Wilheim)
Lycanthia / (Tanith Lee)
Path of the Eclispe / (Chelsea Quinn Yarbro)
Delusion's Master / (Tanith Lee)
Peregrine: Secundus/ (Avram Davidson)
Kingdom of Summer /(Gillian Bradshaw)
Esbae: A Winter's Tale/ (Linda Haldeman)
Behind the Wind / (Patricia Wrightson)
The Sable Moon / (Nancy Springer)
Madwand /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
Gryphon in Glory / (Andre Norton)
Too Long a Sacrifice / (Mildred Downey Broxon)
「쿠죠」 Cujo /스티븐 킹(Stephen King)
Blue Adept / (Piers Anthony)

수상작 Blue Champagne / (John Varley)
The Saturn Game /폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
In the Western Tradition / (Phyllis Eisenstein)
The Desert of Stolen Dreams /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
With Delicate Mad Hands /제임스 팁트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
Polyphemus / (Michael Shea두)
Ealdwood / (C. J. Cherryh)
True Names/ (Vernor Vinge)
The Winter Beach /케이트 윌헬름(Kate Wilheim)
With Thimbles & With Forks and Hope/케이트 윌헬름 (Kate Wilheim)
Swarmer & Skimmer /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
Emergence /(David R. Palmer)
The Venetian Court / (Charles L. Harness)
Amnesia / (Jack Dann)
The Loom of Thessaly / (David Brin)
Petals of Rose / (Marc Stiegler)
Which Way to the Ends of Time ? / (Michael McCollum)
Through All Your Houses Wandering / (Ted Reynolds)

Winner Guardians /죠지.R.R 마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Unicorn Variation /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
The Thermals of August / (Edward Bryant)
The Haunted Tower / (C. J. Cherryh)
Out of the Everywhere /제임스 탑트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
The Fire When It Comes /파크 고드윈(Parke Godwin)
Murder on Lupozny Station /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop) & (Gerald W. Page)
Elric at the End of Time 마이클 무아콕(Michael Moorcock)
Lirios: A Tale of the Quintana Roo /제임스 탑트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
The Quickening /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
The Giftie Gie Us / (Timothy Zahn)
A Thousand Paces Along the Via Dolorosa /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Mummer Kiss / (Michael Swanwick)
Vox Olympica /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
The Summer's Dust / (Pamela Sargent)
H-Tec / (Charles L. Harness)
Stuff of Dreams / (Lewis Shiner)
These Stones Will Remember/ (R. Bretnor)
Waiting for the Earthquake /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
「죠니 메모리」Johnny Mnemonic /월리엄 깁슨(William Gibson)
Walden Three / (Michael Swanwick)
Mythago Wood / (Robert Holdstock)
Going Under / (Jack Dann)
Blind Spot / (Jayge Carr)
Shadows on the Cave Wall / (Nancy Kress)
Blue Apes / (Phyllis Gotlieb)
Werewind /(J. Michael Reaves)
A Thief in Ni-Moya /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)

【Short Story】
수상작 The Pusher/ (John Varley)
Serpent's Teeth / (Spider Robinson)
The Needle Men /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
The Only Death in the City / (C. J. Cherryh)
Remembering Melody /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
The Woman the Unicorn Loved /진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
Exposures /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
The Quiet /(George Florance-Guthridge)
The Palace at Midnight /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Absent Thee from Felicity Awhile / (Somtow Sucharitkul)
Executive Clemency / (Gardner Dozois) & (Jack C. Haldeman II)
The Regulars /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Walk the Ice / (Mildred Downey Broxon)
Forever demon/ (Damon Knight)
The Shroud / (Michael McCollum)
Disciples /가드너 드조와(Gardner Dozois)
Venice Drowned / (Kim Stanley Robinson)
Second Comings Reasonable Rates/ (Pat Cadigan)
The Softest Hammer / (Charles Sheffield)
The Grown-Up / (Thomas M. Disch)
Hinterlands /윌리엄 깁슨(William Gibson)
The Coming of the Doll/ (Pat Cadigan)
Mud & Aurora /(D. D. Storm)
The Gernsback Continuum /월리엄 깁슨(William Gibson)
The Bone Flute / (Lisa Tuttle)
Casey's Empire / (Nancy Kress)
Altamira / (Carter Scholz)
On the Slab / (Harlan Ellison)

by caspi

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