로커스상 1985
【SF Novel】
수상작 The Integral Trees /래리 니븐 (Larry Niven)
Demon //(John Varley)
Heechee Rendezvous /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand //(Samuel R. Delany)
Chanur's Venture/(C. J. Cherryh)
Across the Sea of Suns /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
West of Eden /(Harry Harrison)
「뉴로맨서」Neuromancer /월리엄 깁슨(William Gibson) –청담사(절판),열음사(절판),황금가지

The Final Encyclopedia /고든•R•디크슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
City of Sorcery /(Marion Zimmer Bradley)
Icehenge //(Kim Stanley Robinson)
The Peace War /(Vernor Vinge)
World's End/(Joan D. Vinge)
Clay's Ark //(Octavia E. Butler)
The Adversary //(Julian May)
The Wild Shore/(Kim Stanley Robinson)
「듄 사막의 이단자」 Heretics of Dune /프랭크 허버트(Frank Herbert)

Emergence/ (David R. Palmer)
A Day for Damnation /(David Gerrold)
Native Tongue/ (Suzette Haden Elgin)
Green Eyes/ /(Lucius Shepard)
Free Live Free/ 진•울프(Gene Wolfe)
Star Rebel /(F. M. Busby)
Dr. Adder /(K. W. Jeter)
The Man Who Melted //(Jack Dann)
The Glamour /(Christopher Priest)
The Practice Effect /데이비드 브린(David Brin)
Steam Bird/(Hilbert Schenck)
Them Bones /(Howard Waldrop)
Circumpolar! /(Richard A. Lupoff)
【Fantasy Novel】
수상작 Job: A Comedy of Justice /로버트•A•하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein)
수상작 Vampire Junction / (S. P. Somtow)
Damiano's Lute / (R. A. MacAvoy)
Raphael/ (R. A. MacAvoy)
The Talisman /스티븐 킹(Stephen King) & (Peter Straub)
The Infinity Concerto /그랙 베어(Greg Bear)
Gilgamesh the King /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
The Ladies of Mandrigyn/ Barbara Hambly)
Enchanter's End Game / (David Eddings)
The Businessman / (Thomas M. Disch)
Bearing an Hourglass / (Piers Anthony)
Crewel Lye: A Caustic Yarn / (Piers Anthony)
Castle of Wizardry / (David Eddings)
Mythago Wood //(Robert Holdstock)
Who Made Stevie Crye? /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
Cards of Grief / (Jane Yolen)
The Hero and the Crown / (Robin McKinley)
Maia / (Richard Adams)
Nights at the Circus/ (Angela Carter)
Brisingamen/ (Diana L. Paxson)
Moonheart / (Charles de Lint)
The Third Book of Swords / (Fred Saberhagen)
Fire and Hemlock/ (Diana Wynne Jones)
Half a Sky / (R. A. Lafferty)
The Ceremonies (T. E. D. Klein)
The Bishop's Heir / (Katherine Kurtz)
The Beggar Queen / (Lloyd Alexander)
수상작 Press Enter[]/ (John Varley)
The Scapegoat (C. J. Cherryh)
The Ballad of the Flexible Bullet /스티븐 킹(Stephen King)
The Blister/ 프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
A Traveler's Tale / (Lucius Shepard)
Trinity / (Nancy Kress)
Marrow Death / (Michael Swanwick)
Young Doctor Eszterhazy / (Avram Davidson)
The Sweet Sad Queen of the Grazing Isles/ 프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
In the Sumerian Marshes /(Gerald Pearce)
The Greening of Bed-Stuy /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
The Unconquered Country / (Geoff Ryman)
Some Are Born Great /(J. A. Lawrence)
Cyclops /데이비드 브린(David Brin)
Floodtide (Ben Bova)
수상작 Bloodchild / (Octavia E. Butler)
The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule / (Lucius Shepard)
Blued Moon /코니 윌리스(Connie Willis)
The Lucky Strike (Kim Stanley Robinson)
With a Little Help From Her Friends /마이클•비숍(Michael Bishop)
The Kindly Isle /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Silicon Muse /(Hilbert Schenck)
Summer Solstice / (Charles L. Harness)
Bad Medicine / (Jack Dann)
Black Coral / (Lucius Shepard)
Foreign Skins / (Tanith Lee)
Freedom Beach (John Kessel) & (James Patrick Kelly)
Trojan Horse / (Michael Swanwick)
Draco Draco / (Tanith Lee)
Demon Lover /(M. Sargent MacKay)
Promises to Keep / (Jack McDevitt)
Slowly & Slowly in the Wind/(Rob Chilson)
A Message to the King to Brobdingnag/ (Richard Cowper)
Twilight Time / (Lewis Shiner)
Three Days/ (Tanith Lee)
Another One Hits the Road / (Pat Cadigan)
Five Mercies/(Michael Conner)
We Remember Babylon /이언 와트슨(Ian Watson)
【Short Story】
Winner Salvador / (Lucius Shepard)
The Crystal Spheres /데이비드 브린(David Brin)
The Aliens Who Knew, I Mean,Everything/ (George Alec Effinger)
A Cabin on the Coast/ 진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
Bright Burning Tiger / (Tanith Lee)
Ridge Running / (Kim Stanley Robinson)
Criticality/ 프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Armageddon Between Sets/ (Edward Bryant)
The Map/ 진•울프(Gene Wolfe)
A Troll and Two Roses / (Patricia A. McKillip)
Tourist Trade /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Kitemaster / (Keith Roberts)
Dinner Party /가드너 드조와(Gardner Dozois)
Sunken Gardens /블루스 스털링(Bruce Sterling)
Bodies / (Joanna Russ)
Out of Time / (Ben Bova)
At the Embassy Club / (Elizabeth A. Lynn)
Fears / (Pamela Sargent)
New Rose Hotel /윌리엄 깁슨(William Gibson)
Heat of Fusion / (John M. Ford)
When the Music's Over... / (Michael Swanwick)
Morning Child /가드너 드조와(Gardner Dozois)
The Affair /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
The Gods in Flight / (Brian W. Aldiss)
Strangeness & Charm and Spin /케이트 윌헬름(Kate Wilheim)
The Eichman Variations / (George Zebrowski)
On Cannon Beach / (Marta Randall)
Helpless & Helpless / (Howard Waldrop)
The Scent of Silverdill / (Richard Cowper)
Crow/ (James Patrick Kelly)
Barking Dogs /(Terence M. Green)
by caspi