【SF Novel】
수상작 The Rise of Endymion/ 댄 시몬즈(Dan Simmons)
Antarctica /(Kim Stanley Robinson)
Forever Peace /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)
St. Leibowitz and the wild Horse Woman / (Walter M. Miller, Jr) With /(Terry Bisson)
Finity's End /(C. J. Chettyh)
Slant) /그랙 베어(Greg Bear)
Diaspora /그랙 이건(Greg Egan)
Fool's War /(Sarah Zettel)
Titan /(Stephen Baxter)
「3001년 최후의 오딧세이」 3001: The Final Odyssey /아서•C•클럭(Arthur C. Clarke) →sf를 사랑하는 독자분이 100권 한정으로 자비로 복사 번역본을 만들어 일부 판매및 지인들에게 나누었는데 2001밖에 출판되지 않은 국내 사정상 거의 3001은 이 판본이 유일할듯.
The Reality Dysfunction /(Peter F. Hamilton)
God's Fires /(Patricia Anthony)
Corrupting Dr. Nice /(John Kessel)
Destiny's Road /(Larry Niven)
Eternity Road /(Jack McDevitt)
The Black Sun /(Jack Williamson)
The Family Tree /(Sheri S. Tepper)
Glimmering /(Elizabeth Hand)
Secret Passages /(Paul Preuss)
The Fleet of Stars/ 폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
Mississippl Blues /(Kathleen Ann Goonan)
The Calcutta Chromosome /(Amitav Ghosh)
Dreaming Metal /(Melissa Scott)
Tomorrow and Tommorrow /(Charles Sheffield)
The Dazzie of Day /(Molly Gloss)
Once a Hero/ 엘리자베스 문(Elizabeth Moon)
Einstein's Bridge /(John Cramer)
Deception Welt /(Linda Nagata)
【Fantasy Novel】
수상작 Earthquake Weather /(Tim Powers)
Jack Faust /(Michael Swanwick)
City on Fire /(Walter Jon Williams)
Wizard and Glass /스티븐 킹(Stephen King)
Assassin's Quest /(Robin Hobb)
The Moon and the Sun /(Vonda N. Mcintyre)
Freedom & Necesalty/ (Steven Brust) & /(Emma Bull)
Trader /(Charles de Lint)
The Gift /Patrick O'Leary)
Winter Tides /(James P. Blaylock)
The Subtle Knife /(Phillip Pullman)
Rose Daughter /(Robin McKinley)
Dogland /(Will Shetteriy)
King's Dragon /(Kate Elliott)
Lord of the Isies /(David Drake)
Gate of Ivory, Gate of Horn /(Robert Holdstock)
Running with the Demon /(Terry Brooks)
The Mines of Behemoth /(Michael Shea)
My Soul to Keep /(Tananarive Due)
The Night Watch /(Sean Stewart)
The Stars Dispose /(Michaela Roessner)
The Blackgod /(J. Gregory Keyes)
수상작 ...Where Angels Fear to Tread /(Allen Steele)
Giant Bones /(Peter S. Beagle)
The Dealings of Daniel Kesserich /(Fritz Leiber)
Everything's Eventual /스티븐 킹(Stephen King)
Marrow /(Robert Reed)
The Golden Keeper /(Ian R. MacLeod)
The Vampire's Beautiful Daughter /(S. P. Somtow)
Ecopoesis /(Geoffrey A. Landis)
A Cold Dry Cradle /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford) & (Elisabeth Melartre)
Messengers of Chaos /(G. David Nordley)
Quinn's Deal /(L. Timmet Duchamp)
The Black Blood of the Dead /(Brian Stableford)
Coppola's Dracula /(Kim Newman)
In the Furnace of the Night /(James Sarafin)
The Vall of Snows /(Mark Helprin)
The Funeral March of the Marionettes /(Adam-Troy Castro)
Briar Rose /(Robert Coover)
Izzy and the Father of Terror/ (Eliot Fintushel)
수상작 Newsietter /코니 윌리스(Connie Willis)
Moon Six /(Stephen Baxter)
Lathe /(Walter Jon Williams)
Galaxia /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
Reasons to be Cheerful /그랙 이건(Greg Egan)
Julle's Unicorn /(Peter S. Beagle)
Mother Grasshopper /(Michael Swanwick)
We Will Drink a Fish Together... /(Bill Johnson)
The Pipes of Pan /(Brian Stableford)
Escape Route /(Peter F. Hamilton)
Echoes /(Alan Brennert)
Beauty in the Night /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Blood And Judgment / (John Brunner)
Second Skin /(Paul J. McAuley)
「 인간의 혈류 속에 뱀이 존재하는가에 관한 세 번의 청문회 」 Three Hearings on the Existence of Snakes in the Human Bloodstream /제임스•알란•가드너(James Alan Gardner) →갈릴레오의 아이들/시공사

London Bone /(Michael Moorcock)
The Dragons of Springplace /(Robert Reed)
El Castillo de la Perseverancia /(Howard Waldrop)
After Kerry /(Ian McDonald)
On the Ice Islands /(Gregory Feeley)
The Undiscovered/ (William Sanders)
Quinn's Way /(Daie Balley)
The Botanist /(Mary Rosenblum)
Crossing Chao Meng Fu /(G. David Nordley)
Residuals /(Paul J. McAuley) & (Kim Newman)
【Short Story】
수상작 Itsy Bitsy Spider /(James Patrick Kelly)
Scientifiction /(Howard Waldrop)
Zemlya /(Stephen Baxter)
The 43 Antarean Dynasties /(Make Resnick)
Get a Grip /(Paul Park)
The Wisdom of Old Earth /(Michael Swanwick)
On the Inside/ 로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
No Planets Strike /(Gene Wolfe)
Always True to Thee, In My Fasion /(Nancy Kress)
Standing Room Only /(Karen Joy Fowler)
The Hand You're Dealt /(Robert J. Sawyer)
Glass Earth Inc. /(Stephen Baxter)
Winter Fire /(Geoffrey A. Landis)
Gulliver at Home /(John Kessel)
An Office Romanse /(Terry Bisson)
The Heart of Whitenesse /(Howard Waldrop)
Flash Crowd /(Gene Wolfe)
Orphanogenesis /그랙 이건(Greg Egan)
Blooming Ice /(Robert Reed)
by caspi