【SF Novel】
수상작 「다이아몬드 시대」 The Diamond Age /닐 스티브슨(Neal Stephenson) →시공사(절판)

Brightness Reef /데이비드 브린(David Brin)
Invader /(C. J. Cherryh)
Legacy /그랙 베어(Greg Bear)
The Time Ships /(Stephen Baxter)
Sailing Bright Eternity /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
Chaga /이언 맥도날드(Ian McDonald)
Metropolitan /(Walter Jon Williams)
Worldwar: Tilting the Balance /(Harry Turtledove)
Slow River /(Nicola Griffith)
Amnesia Moon /(Jonathan Lethem)
Kaleidoscope Century /(John Baenes)
Fairyland /(Paul J. McAuley)
The Ganymede Club /(Charles Sheffield)
The Killing Star /(Charles Pellegrino) & (George Zebrowski)
Gaia's Toys /(Rebecca Ore)
The Stone/ Garden (Mary Rosenblum)
Testament /(Valerie J. Freireich)
The Golden Nineties /(Lisa Mason)
Shadow Man /(Melissa Scott)
The Terminal Experiment /(Robert J. Sawyer)
An Exaltation of Larks /(Robert Reed)

【Fantasy Novel】
수상작 Alvin Journeyman /오슨 스콧 카드(Orson Scott Card)
Waking the Moon /(Elizabeth Hand)
Fortress in the Eye of Time /(C. J. Cherryh)
The Lions of Al-Rassan /(Guy Gavriel Kay)
Resurrection Man/ (Sean Stewart)
The Silent Strength of Stones /(Nina Kiriki Hoffman)
The Book of Atrix Wolfe /(Patricia A. McKillip)
Blood /(Michael Moorcock)
Storm Rising /(Mercedes Lackey)
City of Bones /(Martha Wells)
Crown of Shadows/ (C. S. Friedman)
Maskerade /(Terry Pratchett)
Zod Wallop /(William Browning Spencer)
Assassin's Apprentice /(Robin Hobb)
Stone of Tears /(Terry Goodkind)
The Tower of Beowulf /(Parke Godwin)
A Sorcerer and a Gentleman (Elizabeth Willey)
World Without End (Sean Russell)
Harp of Winds/(Maggie Furey)

【Horror/Dark Fantasy Novel】
수상작 Expiration Date / (Tim Powers)
Travelling with the Dead /(Barbara Hambly)
Rose Madder /스티븐 킹(Stephen King)
The Bloody Red Baron /(Kim Newman)
Paint it Black /(Nancy A. Collins)
All the Bells on Earth /(James P. Blaylock)
The Off Season / (Jack Cady)
「악마 멤노크」 Memnoch the Devil /앤 라이스(Anne Rice) → 여울깅획(절판)

Vanitas /(S. P. Somtow)
Desmodus /(Melanie Tem)
Vivia /(Tanith Lee)
Night Magic/ (Tom Tryon)

수상작 Remake /코니 윌리스(Connie Willis)
A Man of the People / 어슐라•K•르귄 (Ursula K. Le Guin)
A Woman's Liberation / 어슐라•K•르귄 (Ursula K. Le Guin)
Fault Lines /(Nancy Kress)
Harvest the Fire /폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
The Death of Captain Future /(Allen Steele)
The Ziggurat /(Gene Wolfe)
Mortimer Gray's History of Death /(Brian Stableford)
Hottentots /(Paul Di Filippo)
Bibi /(Mike Resnick) & /(Susan Shwartz)
We Were Out of Our Minds with Joy /(David Marusek)
Human History /(Lucius Shepard)
At the Eschaton /(Charles Sheffield)
Hot Times in Magma City /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Looking for Kelly Dahl /댄 시몬즈(Dan Simmons)
Inherit the Earth /(Brian Stableford)
The City of God /(Gardner Dozois) & /(Michael Swanwick)
Death in the Promised Land /(Pat Cadigan)
Hypocaust & Bathysphere /(Rebecca Ore)
De Secretis Mulierum /(L. Timmel Duchamp)
The Hunger and Ecstasy of Vampires /(Brian Stableford)
You Could Go Home Again /(Howard Waldrop)
In Forests Afloat Upon the Sea /(Daniel Hatch)

수상작 When the Old Gods Die /(Mike Resnick)
Ether OR / 어슐라•K•르귄 (Ursula K. Le Guin)
Think Like a Dinosaur /(James Patrick Kelly)
Wang's Carpets /그랙 이건(Greg Egan)
Evolution /(Nancy Kress)
Coming of Age in Karhide / 어슐라•K•르귄 (Ursula K. Le Guin)
For White Hill /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)
I Iscariot /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
The Good Rat /(Allen Steele)
A Worm in the Well /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
The Ant-Men of Tibet /(Stephen Baxter)
Luminous /그렉 이건(Greg Egan)
Must and Shall /(Harry Turtledove)
Judgment Engine그랙•베어(Greg Bear)
Lunch at the Gotham Cafe /스티븐 킹(Stephen King)
Tap /그랙 이건(Greg Egan)
Starship Day /(Ian R. MacLeod)
Recording Angel /(Paul J. McAuley)
Gone to Glory /(R. Garcia y Robertson)
Silver Fire/ 그랙 이건(Greg Egan)
Waging Good /(Robert Reed)
The Red Blaze is the Morning /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)

【Short Story】
수상작 The Lincoln Train /(Maureen F. McHugh)
Gossamer /(Stephen Baxter)
High Abyss /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
A Birthday /(Esther M. Friesner)
The Three Descents of Jeremy Baker /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
Walking Out/ (Michael Swanwick)
Life on the Moon /(Tony Daniel)
The Lens of Time /(James E. Gunn)
There Are No Dead /(Terry Bisson)
Olders/ 어슐라•K•르귄 (Ursula K. Le Guin)
The Day the Aliens Came /(Robert Sheckley)
The Age of Innocence /(Brian Stableford)
Into the Tunnel ! /(Brian W. Aldiss)
Home /(Geoff Ryman)
Alice's Asteroid /(G. David Nordley)
The Beautiful & the Damned /(Kristine Kathryn Rusch)
The Promise of God /(Michael F. Flynn)

by caspi

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