로커스상 1989
【SF Novel】
수상작 」 Cyteen / (C. J. Cherryh)
Mona Lisa Overdrive /윌리엄 깁슨(William Gibson)
Islands in the Net /블루스 스털링(Bruce Sterling)
「파운데이션에의 서곡」 Prelude to Foundation /아이작 아시모프(Isaac Asimov) →현대정보문화사

The Gold Coast / (Kim Stanley Robinson)
Eternity /그랙 베어(Greg Bear)
Dragonsdawn / (Anne McCaffrey)
Deserted Cities of the Heart / (Lewis Shiner)
Falling Free /로이스 맥마스타 부죨드 (Lois McMaster Bujold)
Araminta Station / (Jack Vance)
Alternaties / (Michael P. Kube-McDowell)
Adulthood Rites / (Octavia E. Butler)
Catspaw / (Joan D. Vinge)
At Winter's End /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Brothers in Arms /로이스 맥마스타 부죨드(Lois McMaster Bujold)
Ivory / (Mike Resnick)
Wetware /루디 러커(Rudy Rucker)
Crazy Time /케이트 윌헬름(Kate Wilhelm)
Venus of Shadows / (Pamela Sargent)
Orphan of Creation /(Roger MacBride Allen)
The Gate to Women's Country / (Sheri S. Tepper)
The Player of Games /이언 뱅크스(Iain Banks)
Neon Lotus / (Marc Laidlaw)
Hellspark /(Janet Kagan)
Chronosequence /(Hilbert Schenck)
Children of the Thunder / (John Brunner)
Fire on the Mountain / (Terry Bisson)
Terraplane / (Jack Womack)
Starfire / (Paul Preuss)
An Alien Light /(Nancy Kress)
The Company Man / (Joe Clifford Faust)
【Fantasy Novel】
수상작 Red Prophet /오슨 스콧 카드(Orson Scott Card)
The Paladin/ (C. J. Cherryh)
There Are Doors /진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
Unicorn Mountain /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
King of the Murgos/ (David Eddings)
The Last Coin/ (James P. Blaylock)
The Story of the Stone /(Barry Hughart)
Greenmantle / (Charles de Lint)
Lavondyss / (Robert Holdstock)
The Dragonbone Chair / (Tad Williams)
Wyvern/ (A. A. Attanasio)
The Healer's War / (Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
Druid's Blood / (Esther M. Friesner)
The White Serpent / (Tanith Lee)
Sister Light, Sister Dark/ (Jane Yolen)
Wyrd Sisters / (Terry Pratchett)
Who's Afraid of Beowulf? / (Tom Holt)
The Changeling Sea/ (Patricia A. McKillip)
The Reindeer People/ (Megan Lindholm)
Sleeping in Flame / (Jonathan Carroll)
The White Raven /(Diana L. Paxson)
Walkabout Woman /(Michaela Roessner)
Silk Roads and Shadows / (Susan M. Shwartz)
The Nightingale /(Kara Dalkey)
Death in the Spirit House / (Craig Strete)
【Horror/Dark Fantasy Novel】
수상작 Those Who Hunt the Night / (Barbara Hambly)
Queen of the Damned /앤 라이스(Anne Rice)
Faerie Tale / (Raymond E. Feist)
「코코」 Koko / (Peter Straub)
Stinger / (Robert R. McCammon)
「양들의 침묵」The Silence of the Lambs /토마스 해리스(Thomas Harris) 창해

The Empire of Fear / (Brian Stableford)
The Influence / (Ramsey Campbell)
The Drive-In / (Joe R. Lansdale)
Bloodlinks / -(Lee Killough)
The Scream / (John Skipp) & (Craig Spector)
Antibodies/ (David J. Skal)
In Darkness Waiting/ (John Shirley)
The Kill Riff / (David J. Schow)
수상작 The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter / (Lucius Shepard)
The Last of the Winnebagos /코니 윌리스(Connie Willis)
Journals of the Plague Years / (Norman Spinrad)
Surfacing/ (Walter Jon Williams)
The Color of Neanderthal Eyes /제임스 탑트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
We Are For the Dark /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
The Skin Trade /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Cabal / (Clive Barker)
The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians/ (Bradley Denton)
Noman's Land / (Lucius Shepard)
Backward & Turn Backward /제임스 탑트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
Wires / (F. Paul Wilson)
Waiting for the Olympians /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Oddkins/ 딘•R•쿤트(Dean R. Koontz)
Trapping Run / (Harry Turtledove)
The Blabber / (Vernor Vinge)
La Vie Continue / (Norman Spinrad)
The Flies of Memory /이언 와트슨(Ian Watson)
Dancing Among Ghosts /(Jim Aikin)
Fatal Statistics/ (Pauline Ashwell)
수상작 The Function of Dream Sleep / (Harlan Ellison)
Dowser /오슨 스콧 카드(Orson Scott Card)
Do Ya, Do Ya, Wanna Dance? / (Howard Waldrop)
Glacier / (Kim Stanley Robinson)
Schrodinger's Kitten / (George Alec Effinger)
The Earth Doth Like a Snake Renew /제임스 탑트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
The Hob /(Judith Moffett)
The Lunatics / (Kim Stanley Robinson)
Ginny Sweethips' Flying Circus / (Neal Barrett, Jr.)
Two / (Pat Cadigan)
Hannibal's Elephants /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
The Man Who Loved the Vampire Lady / (Brian Stableford)
The Last Article/ (Harry Turtledove)
Peaches for Mad Molly / (Steven Gould)
Madame Two Swords / (Tanith Lee)
My Year with the Aliens / (Lisa Goldstein)
Love in Vain / (Lewis Shiner)
The Courts of Xanadu / (Charles Sheffield)
The Calling of Paisley Coldpony /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
Sunrise / (Jack McDevitt)
The Dragon Line / (Michael Swanwick)
Under the Covenant Stars/ (John Baenes)
Sanctuary / (James White)
Once in a Lullaby /(Fred Bals)
Gut Feelings /엘리자베스 문(Elizabeth Moon)
Unfinished Portrait of the King of Pain by Van Gogh /이언 맥도날드(Ian McDonald)
Remember'd Kisses / (Michael F. Flynn)
Fogarty & Fogarty Elizabeth Engstrom)
Tea/ (Jack Dann)
【Short Story】
수상작 Eidolons / (Harlan Ellison)
「키리냐가」 Kirinyaga /마이크 레즈닉(Mike Resnick) →열린책들(절판)
Wild, Wild Horses / (Howard Waldrop)
The Giving Plague /데이비드 브린(David Brin)
Youthful Folly / (Lucius Shepard)
A Midwinter's Tale / (Michael Swanwick)
At the Double Solstice /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
House of Bones /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Voices of the Kill / (Thomas M. Disch)
Our Neural Chernobyl /블루스 스털링(Bruce Sterling)
Ripples in the Dirac Sea / (Geoffrey A. Landis)
The Quiet Monk / (Jane Yolen)
The Fort Maxie Branch / (Jack McDevitt)
Stairs / (Neal Barrett, Jr.)
Slow & Slow Burn / (George Alec Effinger)
Last Contact / (Jack McDevitt)
Mrs. Shummel Exits a Winner / (John Kessel)
Lily Red / (Karen Joy Fowler)
The Dead Man's Eyes /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Home Front / (James Patrick Kelly)
Moments of Clarity /(Elissa Malcohn)
Philippa's Hands / (Nancy Kress)
The Circus Horse/ (Amy Bechtel)
In Memoriam/ (Nancy Kress)
It Was the Heat / (Pat Cadigan)
Stable Strategies for Middle Management / (Eileen Gunn)
Dark Night in Toyland/ (Bob Shaw)
Craps/ (Nancy Kress)
Dying in Hull /(D. Alexander Smith)
After the Master/ 인(Lisa Goldstein)
Death Is Different / (Lisa Goldstein)
The Girl Who Loved Animals / (Bruce McAllister)
Transients/ (Carter Scholz)
The Thing Itself / (Michael Blumlein)
by caspi