Best Novel : The Bottoms / (Joe R. Lansdale)
Best First Mystery Novel: A Conspiracy of Paper / (David Liss)
Best Original Paperback: The Black Maria / (Mark Graham)
Best Short Story: Missing in Action / (Peter Robinson)
Robert L. Fish Memorial :The Witch and the Relic Thief /(M. J. Jones)

Best Novel : Silent Joe / (T. Jefferson Parker)
Best First Mystery Novel: Line of Vision /(David Ellis)
Best Original Paperback :Adios Muchachos /(Daniel Chavarria)
Best Short Story: Double-Crossing Delancy / (S. J. Rozan)
Robert L. Fish Memorial: My Bonnie Lies /(Ted Hertel, Jr.)
Mary Higgins Clark Award: Summer of Storms / (Judith Kelman)
Best Fact Crime: Son of a Grifter (Kent Walker) with (Mark Schone)

Best Novel :원터 앤 나이트 Winter and Night / (S. J. Rozan)

Best First Mystery Novel: The Blue Edge of Midnight /(Jonathon King)
Best Original Paperback: Out of Sight / (T. J. MacGregor)
Best Short Story: Mexican Gatsby /(Raymond Steiber)
Robert L. Fish Memorial: War Can Be Murder / (Mike Doogan)
Best Fact Crime :Fire Lover /(Joseph Wambaugh)

by caspi

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