Best Novel : The Quiller Memorandum / Adam Hall
Best First Mystery Novel :「밤의 열기 안에서」 In the Heat of the Night /존 볼(John Ball)
Best Short Story :「악의 가능성」 The Possibility of Evil /셜리 잭슨( Shirley Jackson)
-명지사 에드가상 수상집2

Best Novel : The King of the Rainy Country / Nicholas Freeling
Best First Mystery Novel : The Cold War Swap / Ross Thomas
Best Short Story : 「선택된 것」 The Chosen One /셜리 데이빗( Rhys Davies)
-명지사 에드가상 수상집2

Best Novel: God Save the Mark /도널드 E 웨스트레이크(Donald E. Westlake)
Best First Mystery Novel : Act of Fear / Michael Collins
Best Short Story : 「직사각형의 방」 The Oblong Room / 에드워드 D. 호크(Edward D. Hoch) -명지사 에드가상 수상집2

Best Novel :「긴급한 때는」 A Case of Need /제프리 허드슨(Jeffrey Hudson)
-동서 dmb
Best First Mystery Novel : The Silver Street / E. Richard Johnson
Best First Mystery Novel :The Bait /Dorothy Uhnak
Best Short Story:「세계를 속인 남자」 The Man Who Fooled the World / 워너 로(Warner Law) ) -명지사 에드가상 수상집2

Best Novel : Forfeit /딕 프랜시스(Dick Francis)
Best First Mystery Novel: A Time for Predators / Joe Gores
Best Original Paperback :The Dragon's Eye /Scott C. S. Stone
Best Short Story : 「잘잇거라 고향아」 Goodbye, Pops /조 거너(Joe Gores)
-명지사 에드가상 수상집2

by caspi

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