■저작 리스트■
1.앨러리 퀸 등장 작품 리스트

2.도르리 레인 등장 작품 리스트

3.쥬나의 모험 시리즈(앨러리 퀸 주니어 명의의 작품)
【청소년용 추리소설】
1 The Brack Dog Mystery 1941

2 The Golden Eagle Mystery 1942

3 The Green TurTle Mystery 1944  

4 The Red Chipmunk Mystery 1946

5 The Brown Fox Mystery 1948  

6 The White Elephant Mystery 1950  

7 The Yellow Cat Mystery 1952  

8 The Blue Herring Mystery 1954  

9 The Purple Bird Mystery 1966    

4.그외의 작품
1 The Grass Village 1954  
2 Cop Out 1969 집필 활동40주년 기념 작품

No. 사건명 발표년 국역 비고
1 The Golden Summer 1953 프레드릭 더네이 단독으로 쓰여진 자전적 소설/ 희귀본

【범죄 실화집】
1. Ellery Queen's International Case Book 1964
【Ellery Queen's International Case Book 】
1 The Beautiful Lady of El Puerto)
2 Tokyo's Greatest Bank Robbery)
3 Inspector Fosse's Last Case)
4 The Butcher of Buenos Aires)
5 The Swindler of Adamolis)
6 The Strangled Bride of Oran)
7 The Jaws of Death)
8 The Curse of Kali)
9 Crime Wave, Balkan Style)
10 The Mysterious Shooting at the Nacional)
11 The Young Man Who Lost His Eyes)
12 Death in Manila)
13 Death among the Aborigines)
14 The Curious Case of the Flirt)
15 The Crime of the Croupier)
16 African Love Story)
17 Secrets of the Harem)
18 The Shanghai Shootings)
19 The Red Virgin)
20 Passion in the Holy Land)
【 My Favourite True Mystery】
1 The Taylor Case)
2 Death of a Don Juan)
【The Woman in the Case (영 Deadlier Than the Male)】
1Trail of the Lonesome Hearts)
2 Witness for the Prosecution)
3 "Detained at Her Majesty's Pleasure")
4 The Secret of Irene Schroeder)
5 The Beautiful Latvian)
6 The Mystery of the Yellow Thread)
7 The Strange Case of Elaine Soule)
8 The Dream Detective)
9 Death in the Tea Leaves)
10 The Man with the Jug Ears)
11 The Girl in the Snowbank)
12 The Poisoned Whiskey Case)
13 The Amazing Mrs. Patterson)
14 The Silk Stocking Girl)
15 The Hanging Woman)
16 The Murder without a Body)
17 The Beautiful Killer of Hampstead)
18 The Temple of Love)
19 The Mystery of Rhonda Bell Martin)

No. 사건명 발표년 국역 비고
1 The Mystery of the Merry Magician 1961 – 앨러리 퀸 쥬니어 명의
2 The Mystery of the Vanished Victim 1962 -

1 Challenge to the Reader 1938 – 명탐정이 사건을 해결하는 게임 취향의 단편집
2 101 Years' Entertainment: The Great Detective Stories 1841-1941 /1941 – 명탐정 여탐정괴도 범죄등으로 분류된 고전적 탐정 소설 걸작집

3 Sporting Blood 1942 -  
4 Ladies in Crime:The Great Women Detectives and Criminals 1943
5 The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes 1944 셜록 홈즈의 패러디집
6 Best Stories from Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine -  
7 Rogue's Gallery
-The Great Criminals of Modern Fiction- 1945
8 To the Queen's Taste 1946 - 2의 속편

9 Murder by Exparts 1947 -  
10 20th Century Detective Stories 1948 -  
11 Golden Dozen12 1949 -12명의 작가,평론가등이 각 12편씩 추천한 작품중에서 선정한 12편의 베스트 단편 모음집  
12 Ellery Queen's Minimysteries 미니•미스테리 걸작선 1969  
13 Golden Dozen13 1971  
14 Masterpieces of Mystery 1976~1977 -  
17 Cops and Capers 1977 -  
18 Crime and Consequences -  
19 X marks the Plot -  

【편서(EQMM 앤솔러지)】
EQMM잡지로부터 선택한 걸작 단편집
1 The Queen's Awards 1946 - 이하 12까지 같은 제목의 연간
2 The Queen's Awards 1947 -  
3 The Queen's Awards 1948 -  
4 The Queen's Awards 1949 -  
5 The Queen's Awards 1950 -  
6 The Queen's Awards 1951 -  
7 The Queen's Awards 1952 -  
8 The Queen's Awards 1953 -  
9 The Queen's Awards 1954 -  
10 The Queen's Awards 1955 -  
11 The Queen's Awards 1956 -  
12 The Queen's Awards 1957 -  
13 Ellery Queen's Thirteenth Annual 1958 -  
14 Ellery Queen's 14th Annual 1959 -  
15 Ellery Queen's 15th Annual 1960 -  
16 Ellery Queen's 16th Annual 1961 -  
17 To Be Read Before Midnight 1962 -  
18 Ellery Queen's Mystery Mix 1963 -  
19 Ellery Queen's Double Dozen 1964 -  
20 Ellery Queen's 20th Anniversary Annual 1965 -  
21 Ellery Queen's Crime Carousel 1966 -  
22 Ellery Queen's All-Star Lineup 1967 -  
23 Ellery Queen's Mystery Parade 1968 -  
24 Ellery Queen's Murder Menu 1969 -  
25 Ellery Queen's Grand Slam 1970 -  
26 Ellery Queen's Headliners 1971 -  
27 Ellery Queen's Mystery Bag 1972 -  
28 Ellery Queen's Crookbook 1974 -  
29 Ellery Queen's Murdercade 1975 -  
30 Ellery Queen's Crime Wave 1976 -  
31 Ellery Queen's Circumstantial Evidence 1977  
32 Ellery Queen's Serches and Seizures -  
33 Ellery Queen's Veils of Mystery 1980  
34 Ellery Queen's Criminal Doz 1982

【편서(개인 작가별 앤솔러지)】
1 The Adventure of Sam Spade and Other Stories 1944 더실 해밋트
2 The Continental Op 1945 - 더실 해밋트
3 The Return of the Continental Op - 더실 해밋트
4 Hammett Homicides 1946 - 더실 해밋트
5 The Riddle of Hildegarde Withers 1947 - 스튜어트•파머
6 Dr. Fell, Detective, and Other Stories – 존 딕슨 카
7 The Case Book of Mr. Campion – 마제리 아링검
8 Dead Yellow Woman – 더쉴 해밋트
9 The Department of Dead Ends – 로이 비커즈
10 Cops and Robbers 1948 – O.헨리
11 Nightmare Town 더쉴 해밋트
12 The Creeping Siamese 1950 – 더쉴 해밋트
13 The Monkey Murder, and other Hildegarde Withers stories - 스튜어트 파머
14 Woman in the Dark 1952 – 더쉴 해밋트 
15 A Man Named Thin and Other Stories 1962 - 더쉴 해밋트 
16 The Case of the Murderer's Bride and Other Stories 1969 E.S 가드너
17 P as in Police 1970 – 로렌스 트리트
18 The Spy and the Thief 1971 – 에드워드.D. 호크
19 Amateur in Violence 1973 – 마이클 길버트
20 Kindly Dig Your Grave, and Other Wicked Stories 1975 – 스텐리 엘린

【에세이•평론 그 외】
1 Murder as a Fine Art 1934 에세이
2 The Detective Short Story: A Bibliography 1942 - 작자별 알파벳순서의 탐정 소설 단편집목록
3 The Golden Twenty 1943 추리 논문
4 퀸의 정원 1951 EQ'81.1-82.3 칼럼
5 In the Queen's Parlor 1957 1940~1950연대의 EQMM잡지의 편집 노트

1 Royal Bloodline: Ellery Queen, Author and Detective 1974 프랜시스.M 네비즈 Jr.의 평전
MWA상 특별상('74)

5.앨러리 퀸의 이름으로 다른 작가가 쓴 장편
【팀•콜리간 경부 시리즈】
No. 사건명 발표년 국역 비고
1 Where Is Bianca? 1966 - 파월
2 Who Spies, Who Kills? -
3 Why So Dead? - 리처드•데밍
4 How Goes the Murder? 1967 -
5 Which Way to Die? -
6 What's in the Dark?(영 When Fell the Night) 1968 -

【트러블 슈터•시리즈】
1 Guess Who's Coming to Kill You? 1968 -  
2 The Campus Murders 1969 - 길•브류워
3 The Black Hearts Murder 1970 - 리처드•데밍
4 The Blue Movie Murders 1972 에드워드.D.훅크

【그 외의 작품】
1 Dead Man's Tale 1961 스티븐•마로우
2 Death Spins the Platter 1962 - 리처드•데밍
3 Murder with a Past 1963 - 파월
4 Wife or Death - 리처드•데밍
5 Kill As Directed -  
6 The Golden Goose 1964 -  
7 The Four Jons(영 Four Men Called John) - Jack Vance(잭반스)
8 Blow Hot, Blow Cold -  
9 The Last Score - 찰즈•라니안
10 Beware the Youn Stranger 1965 - 타르멧지•파월
11 The Copper Frame - 리처드•데밍
12 A Room to Die in - Jack Vance(잭반스)
13 The Killer Touch - 찰즈•라니안
14 The Devil's Cook 1966 -  
15 The Madman Theory - 존•호르브룩크•바스
16 Loosers, Weepers - 리처드•데밍
17 Shoot the Scene -
18 Kiss and Kill 1969 - 찰즈•라니안

by caspi

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