■저작 리스트■
1 마틴•휴이트 등장 작품 리스트
2.악덕 탐정 호레스•드린톤 등장 작품 리스트
#Ⅰ.The Dorrington Deed-Box(Ward, Lock & Bowdon) 1897 -

1 The Narrative James Rigby
2 The Case of Janissary -
3 The Case of the Mirror of Portugal -
4 The Affair of the Avalanche Bicycle & Tyre Co., Ltd -
5 The Case of Mr. Loftus Deacon 6 Old Carter's Money -
3 그 외의 미스터리 작품
1 The Hole in the Wall 1902 -
#Ⅰ.Tales of Mean Streets 1894 -
1 Lizerant -
2 Without Visible Means
3 To Bow Bridge -
4 That Brute Simmons
5 Behind the Shade -
6 Three Rounds -
7 In Business -
8 The Red Cow Group -
9 On the Stairs
10 Squire Napper -
11 "A Poor Stick" -
12 A Conversion -
13 "All That Messuage" -
#Ⅱ. The Green Eye of Goona (미 The Green Diamond) 1904
1 The First Magnum
2 Mr. Norie's Magnum
3 Mr. Clifton's Magnum
4 The Steward's Magnum─and Others
5 Mr. Pooley's Magnum
6 A Box of Oddments
7 Mr. Smith's Magnum
8 The Green Eye
#Ⅲ.Diver's Vanities 1905 -
1 Chance of the Game -
2 Spotto's Reclamation -
3 A "Dead 'Un" -
4 The Disorder of the Bath -
5 His Tale of Bricks -
6 Teacher and Taught -
7 A Blot in St. Basil -
8 One More Unfortunate -
9 Ingrates at Bagshaw's -
10 Rhymer the Second -
11 Charwood with a Number -
12 A Poor Bargain -
13 Statement of Edward Chaloner -
14 Lost Tommy Jepps -
15 The Legend of Lapwater Hall -
16 The Black Badger -
17 The Torn Heart -
#Ⅳ.Green Ginger 1909 -
1 A Skinful of Trouble -
2 The Absent Three -
3 The Stolen Blenkinson -
4 Cap'en Jollyfax's Gun -
5 Snokey Timms, His Mask -
6 The Copper Charm -
7 Dobb's Parrot -
8 The Seller of Hate -
9 The Rodd Street Revolution -
10 The Chamber of Light -
11 Mr. Bostock's Backsliding -
12 The House of Haddock -
13 A Lucifo Match
14 Arts and Crafts -
15 Wick's Waterloo -
16 The Drinkwater Romance -
#Ⅴ.Fiddle O'Dreams and More 1933 -
1 Mr. Walker's Aeroplane -
2 Lies Unregistered -
3 Fiddle o'Dreams -
4 A Proffessional Episode -
5 Bylestones -
6 The Four-Want Way -
7 A Return to the Fancy -
8 The Thing in the Upper Room -
9 Myxomycetes -
10 Sports of Mugby -
11 Frenzied Finnance -
12 Billy Blenkin's Radium -
13 Infantry at the Double -
14 The East a'Callin -
15 Brothers at Bay -
1 Short Stories of Today and Yesterday 1929 - 상기 단편집으로부터의 선집
No. 사건명 발표년 국역 비고
1 That Brute Simmons 1906 - 단편집 1 수록의 동명 작품의 일막극
2 Dumb Cake 1907 - 단편집 3으로부터의 일막극
4.미스테리 이외의 작품
1 A Child of the Jago 1896 - 뉴 리얼리즘 소설
2 To London Town 1899 -
3 Cunning Murrell 1900 - 역사 소설
1 Shadows Around Us 1891 -
2 Zig-Zags at the Zoo 1894 -
by caspi