- 【Novel】
- 수상작 Dispossessed /어슐라·K·르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
- 334 /(Thomas M. Disch)
- Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said /필립·K·딕(Philip K. Dick)
- The Godwhale /(T. J. Bass)
- 【Novella】
- 수상작 Born With the Dead /로버트·실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
- On the Street of the Serpents /(Michael Bishop)
- A Song For Lya 죠지·R·R·마틴(George R. R. Martin)
- 【Novelette】
- 수상작 If the Stars Are Gods /(Gordon Eklund) & (Gregory Benford)
- The Rest Is Silence /(Charles L. Grant)
- Twilla /(Tom Reamy)
- 【Short Story】
- 수상작 The Day Before the Revolution /어슐라·K·르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
- After King Kong Fall /필립·호세·파마(Philip José Farmer)
- The Engina at Heartspring's Center /로저·젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)