- 【Novel】
- 수상작The Fountains of Paradise 낙원의 샘/아서·C·클럭(Arthur C. Clarke)
→시공사 그리핀 북스
- Harpist in the Wind / (Patricia A. McKillip)
- Jem /(Frederik Pohl)
- On Wings of Song /(Thomas M. Disch)
- Titan /(John Varley)
- 【Novella】
- 수상작 Enemy Mine /(Barry B. Longyear)
- Ker-Plop /(Ted Reynolds)
- The Moon Goddess and the Son /(Donald Kingsbury)
- Songhouse /오슨·스콧·카드(Orson Scott Card)
- 【Novelette】
- 수상작 Sandkings 샌드킹/ 죠지·R·R·마틴(George R. R. Martin)
→서울 창작(토탈 호러)
- Fireflood /(Vonda N. McIntyre)
- Homecoming /(Barry B. Longyear)
- The Locusts /(Larry Niven) & /(Steven Barnes)
- Options /(John Varley)
- Palely Loitering /(Christopher Priest)
- 【Short Story】
- 수상작 The Way of Cross and Dragon 「용과 십자가의 길」/죠지·R·R·마틴(George R. R. Martin)
- Can These Bones Live? /(Ted Reynolds)
- Daisy, in the Sun //(Connie Willis)
- giANTS /(Edward Bryant)
- Unaccompanied Sonata /오슨·스콧·카드(Orson Scott Card)