• 【Novel】
  • 수상작  Ringworld 「링 월드」/ 래리 니븐(Larry Niven)
    →도서출판 여울
  • Tau Zero 「타우·제로」 /폴·앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
  • 「유리의 탑」 Tower of Glass 로버트·시르바바그(Robert Silverberg)
    →움직이는 책
  • Star Light / 헐·클레멘트(Hal Clement)
  • The Year of the Quiet Sun / Wilson Tucker
  • 【Novella】
  • 수상작 Ill Met in Lankhmar/ Fritz Leiber
  • The Region Between / Harlan Ellison
  • The Thing in the Stone / Clifford D. Simak
  • Beastchild/ 딘·R·쿤트(Dean R. Koontz)
  • The World Outside/  로버트·실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
  • 【Short Story】
  • 수상작 Slow Sculpture /시오드어·스타젼(Theodore Sturgeon)
  • Continued on Next Rock /  R. A. Lafferty
  • Jean Dupres / Gordon R. Dickson
  • Brillo / Ben Bova & Harlan Ellison
  • In the Queue / Keith Laumer
by caspi

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