로커스상 1981

【SF Novel】
수상작 The Snow Queen / (Joan D. Vinge)
Beyond the Blue Event Horizon /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
The Ringworld Engineers /래리 니븐 (Larry Niven)
Wizard / (John Varley)
「타임스케이프」 Timescape /그레고리이 벤포드(Gregory Benford) –새싹나라(절판)
Mockingbird / (Walter S. Tevis)
Serpent's Reach / (C. J. Cherryh)
Firestarter /스티븐 킹(Stephen King)
The Number of the Beast/ 로버트.A 하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein)
The Magic Labyrinth /필립 호세 파마(Philip José Farmer)
Two to Conquer / (Marion Zimmer Bradley)
Wild Seed / (Octavia E. Butler)
Golem 100 /알프레드 베스터(Alfred Bester)
「용의 알」 Dragon's Egg /로버트.L 포워드(Robert L. Forward)
Dangerous Games / (Marta Randall)
Songs from the Stars/ (Norman Spinrad)
Songmaster/ 오슨 스콧 카드(Orson Scott Card)
Eyes of Fire /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
The Gardens of Delight/ 이언 와트슨(Ian Watson)
Molly Zero / (Keith Roberts)
Thrice Upon a Time/ (James P. Hogan)
Waves /(M. A. Foster)
First Channel /(Jean Lorrah) & (Jacqueline Lichtenberg)
City Come A'Walking/ (John Shirley)

【Fantasy Novel】
수상작 Lord Valentine's Castle /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
The Shadow of the Torturer /진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
The Wounded Land / (Stephen R. Donaldson)
Changeling /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
The Northern Girl / (Elizabeth A. Lynn)
Split Infinity / (Piers Anthony)
The Beginning Place/어슐라.K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
Vampire Tapestry / (Suzy McKee Charnas)
Shadowland / (Peter Straub)
The Mist /스티븐 킹(Stephen King)
Ariosto / (Chelsea Quinn Yarbro)
Kill the Dead/ (Tanith Lee)
Thorn / (Fred Saberhagen)
Sabella/ (Tanith Lee)
After Dark/ (Manly Wade Wellman)
A Storm of Wings/ (M. John Harrison)
The Orphan / (Robert Stallman)
Duncton Wood/ (William Horwood)
All Darkness Met/ (Glen Cook)
Firelord /파크 고드윈(Parke Godwin)
Necropolis /(Basil Copper)
Master of the Five Magics /(Lyndon Hardy)

수상작 「나이트 비행기」 Nightflyers 죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin) –토탈호러2/서울창작(절판)

The Patchwork Girl/래리 니븐(Larry Niven)
The Web of the Magi / (Richard Cowper)
The Autopsy / (Michael Shea)
Dangerous Games/ (Marta Randall)
Unicorn Tapestry / (Suzy McKee Charnas)
Slow Music /제임스 탑트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
Lost Dorsai /고든.R 딕슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
All the Lies that Are My Life / (Harlan Ellison)
Buoyant Ascent / (Hilbert Schenck)
There Beneath the Silky-Tree and Whelmed in Deeper Gulphs Than Me/ (Avram Davidson)
Soldier of an Empire Unacquainted with Defeat/ (Glen Cook)
One-Wing /죠지.R.R 마틴(George R. R. Martin) & (Lisa Tuttle)
Le Croix(The Cross) / (Barry N. Malzberg)
On the North Pole of Pluto/ (Kim Stanley Robinson)
Anasazi/ (Dean Ing)
Tell Us a Story/ (Zenna Henderson)

수상작  The Brave Little Toaster / (Thomas M. Disch)
Beatnik Bayou / (John Varley)
The Way Station /스티븐 킹(Stephen King)
Strata / (Edward Bryant)
The Ugly Chickens/ (Howard Waldrop)
The Lordly Ones / (Keith Roberts)
Feesters in the Lake / (Bob Leman)
Saving Face /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
Variation on a Theme from Beethoven/ (Sharon Webb)
Tutor/ (J. Ray Dettling)
The Feast of Saint Janis / (Michael Swanwick)
The Apotheosis of Myra /(Walter S. Tevis)
The Cloak and the Staff /고든.R 딕슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
Billy Big-Eyes / (Howard Waldrop)
Savage Planet / (Barry B. Longyear)
Scorched Supper on New Niger / (Suzy McKee Charnas)
Earth and Stone / (Robert Holdstock)
Raising the Green Lion /(Janet Morris)
Ginungagap / (Michael Swanwick)
Have You Heard the One...? / (Spider Robinson)
The Curse of the Mhondoro Nkabele /(Eric Norden)

【Short Story】
수상작 Grotto of the Dancing Deer /크리포드.D 시막(Clifford D. Simak)
Bug House / (Lisa Tuttle)
Our Lady of the Sauropods /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Window / (Bob Leman)
Last Answer/ 아이작 아시모프(Isaac Asimov)
The Detective of Dreams /진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
St. Amy's Tale /오슨 스콧 카드(Orson Scott Card)
Frozen Journey /필립•K•딕(Philip K. Dick)
The World SF Convention of 2080 /이언 와트슨(Ian Watson)
Prairie Sun / (Edward Bryant)
Prime Time / (Norman Spinrad)
Secrets of the Heart / (Charles L. Grant)
A Sunday Visit with Great-Grandfather / (Craig Strete)
Rautavaara's Case /필립.K 딕(Philip K. Dick)
Men Like Us / (David Drake)
Lindsay and the Red City Blues /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)
The War Beneath the Tree /진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
Child of Darkness /(P. C. Hodgell)
The Confession of Hamo /(Mary Pangborn)
The Fear that Men Call Courage / (James Patrick Kelly)
Some of My Best Friends /(Francois Camoin)
Antithesis / (Michael P. Kube-McDowell)
Spidersong / (Susan C. Petrey)

by caspi

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■저작 리스트■
1.女刑事・音道貴子 여행사 오토미치 타카코 시리즈
凍える牙 얼어붙은 송곳니
鎖 쇄
風の墓碑銘(エピタフ) 바람의 묘비명

花散る頃の殺人 꽃 질 무렵의 살인
未練 미련

2.기타 작품
あなた 당신
晩鐘 만종
涙 누
火のみち 불의 길
しゃぼん玉 사개의 구슬
冷たい誘惑 차가운 유혹
殺意・鬼哭 살의 귀곡
家族趣味 가족취미
再生の朝 재생의 아침
5年目の魔女 魔女 5년째의 마녀
風紋 풍문
6月19日の花嫁 6월19일의 신부
結婚詐欺師 결혼 사기꾼

窓 창
来なけりゃいいのに 오지 않으면 좋은데
死んでも忘れない 죽어도 잊지 않는다
暗鬼 허깨비
花盗人 꽃도둑
ヴァンサンカンまでに 25세까지
今夜もベルが鳴る 오늘 밤도 벨이 울린다
パラダイス・サーティー –
紫蘭の花嫁 자주색난의 신부
氷雨心中 가을의 찬비 심중
ボクの町 나의 마을
魅惑の輝き 매혹의 빛
微笑む女 미소짓는 여자
最後の嘘 마지막 거짓말
姉と妹 언니와 여동생
青年のお礼 청년의 답례
青い手 푸른손
悪魔の羽根 악마의 날개
最後の花束 마지막 꽃다발
団欒 단란
幸せになりたい 행복해지고 싶다
不発弾 불발탄
ライン 라인


by caspi

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로커스상 1980

【SF Novel】
수상작 「티탄」 Titan / (John Varley)
Jem /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
「낙원의 샘」 The Fountains of Paradise 아서.C 클럭(Arthur C. Clarke)-시공사(절판)

Stardance /스파이더(Spider) & 진 로빈슨(Jeanne Robinson)
On Wings of Song / (Thomas M. Disch)
The Faded Sun: Kutath/ (C. J. Cherryh)
The Road to Corlay / (Richard Cowper)
Dragondrums / (Anne McCaffrey)
Engine Summer/ (John Crowley)
The Face / (Jack Vance)
Juniper Time/ 케이트 윌헬름(Kate Wilheim)
Transfigurations /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
Roadmarks /로져 젤라즈니 (Roger Zelazny)
Kinsman / (Ben Bova)
SS-GB / (Len Deighton)
Catacomb Years/ 마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
The Web Between the Worlds/ 찰즈 셰필드(Charles Sheffield)
Mayflies /(Kevin O'Donnell Jr.)
The Unlimited Dream Company /J.G 발라드(J. G. Ballard)
A Planet Called Treason /오슨 스콧 카드(Orson Scott Card)
A World Between / (Norman Spinrad)
The Two Faces of Tomorrow / (James P. Hogan)
The Day of the Klesh /(M. A. Foster)
The Ringworld Engineers /래리 니븐(Larry Niven)
「용병」 Janissaries /제리 퍼넬(Jerry Pournelle) –나경문화(절판)

【Fantasy Novel】
수상작 Harpist in the Wind / (Patricia A. McKillip)
The Dead Zone /스티븐 킹(Stephen King)
Tales of Neveryon /사뮤엘.R 딜레니(Samuel R. Delany)
Castle Roogna / (Piers Anthony)
The Merman's Children /폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
Fires of Azeroth / (C. J. Cherryh)
Watchtower /(Elizabeth A. Lynn)
The Last Enchantment/ (Mary Stewart)
Malafrena /어슐라.K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
Death's Master /(Tanith Lee)
The Palace /(Chelsea Quinn Yarbro)
The Dancers of Arun /(Elizabeth A. Lynn)
Kindred /(Octavia E. Butler)
Daughter of the Bright Moon /(Lynn Abbey)
The Door Into Fire /(Diane Duane)
Sorcerer's Son /(Phyllis Eisenstein)
The Drawing of the /(Tim Powers)

수상작 Enemy Mine /(Barry B. Longyear)
Songhouse /오슨 스콧 카드(Orson Scott Card)
Palely Loitering/ (Christopher Priest)
Mars Masked /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
The Battle of the Abaco Reefs/ (Hilbert Schenck)
The Tale of Gorgik /사뮤엘.R 딜레니(Samuel R. Delany)
The Moon Goddess and the Son /(Donald Kingsbury)
Ker-Plop /(Ted Reynolds)
Fireship /(Joan D. Vinge)
The Story Writer/ (Richard Wilson)
Far Rainbow /아르카지 & 보리스 스트르가스키(Arkady & Boris Strugatsky)
Silver Shoes for a Princess /(James P. Hogan)
Spirals /래리 니븐(Larry Niven) & 제리 파네루(Jerry Pournelle)
The Dancer in the Darkness /(Thomas F. Monteleone)
「나폴리 특급살인」The Napoli Express /랜달 개럿(Randall Garrett) – 나폴리 특급살인/행복한 책읽기

수상작 「샌드킹」 Sandkings /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin) – 토탈호러/서울창작 (절판)

Options /(John Varley)
Fireflood /(Vonda N. McIntyre)
Out There Where the Big Ships Go/ (Richard Cowper)
Galatea Galante /알프레드 베스타(Alfred Bester)
Camps /(Jack Dann)
The Pathways of Desire/어슐라.K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
The Angel of Death /(Michael Shea)
The Button Molder /(Fritz Leiber)
The Things That Are Gods/ (John Brunner)
Phoenix /(Mark J. McGarry)
The Relic/ (Gary Jennings)
The Ancient Mind at Work/ (Suzy McKee Charnas)
Down and Out on Ellfive Prime/ (Dean Ing)
Prose Bowl /(Bill Pronzini) & (Barry N. Malzberg)
The Locusts /래리 니븐(Larry Niven) & 스티브 번즈(Steve Barnes)
Indifference /(Brian W. Aldiss)
The Ways of Love/ 폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
Some Events at the Templar Radiant /(Fred Saberhagen)

【Short Story】
Winner 「용과 십자가의 길」The Way of Cross and Dragon /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin) – 서울창작 (절판)
giANTS /(Edward Bryant)
Quietus /오슨•스콧•카드(Orson Scott Card)
The War Beneath the Tree/ 진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
Redeemer /그레고리이 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
Unaccompanied Sonata /오슨 스콧카드(Orson Scott Card)
Wave Rider /(Hilbert Schenck)
Blood Sisters /죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)
In Trophonius's Cave /(James P. Girard)
Daisy, In the Sun /코니 윌리스(Connie Willis)
The Crate /스티븐•킹(Stephen King)
Rent Control/ (Walter S. Tevis)
The Extraordinary Voyages of Am e lie Bertrand /(Joanna Russ)
The Exit Door Leads In /필립•K•딕(Philip K. Dick)
Vernalfest Morning /마이클•비숍(Michael Bishop)
Red as Blood/ (Tanith Lee)
The Rooms of Paradise /(Ian Watson)
Can These Bones Live? /(Ted Reynolds)
All the Birds Came Home to Roost /(Harlan Ellison)
'You're Welcome,' Said the Robot and Turned to Watch the Snowflakes (Alan Ryan)
The View from Endless Scarp (Marta Randall)

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로커스상 1979

【SF Novel】
수상작 「게이트웨이」Gateway /프레드릭•폴(Frederik Pohl)
In the Ocean of Night /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
The Ophiuchi Hotline / (John Varley)
Time Storm /고든.R 딕슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
Michaelmas / (Algis Budrys)
A Scanner Darkly /필립.K 딕(Philip K. Dick)
The Dosadi Experiment/ 프랭크 허버트(Frank Herbert)
Lucifer's Hammer /래리 니븐(Larry Niven) & 제리 파네루(Jerry Pournelle)
Dragonsinger / (Anne McCaffrey)
Dying of the Light /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
The Forbidden Tower / (Marion Zimmer Bradley)
Hunter of Worlds / (C. J. Cherryh)
Mirkheim /폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
The Dark Design /필립 호세 파마(Philip José Farmer)
A Heritage of Stars /크리포드.D 시막(Clifford D. Simak)
Cirque / (Terry Carr)
Moonstar Odyssey / (David Gerrold)
Midnight at the Well of Stars/ (Jack L. Chalker)
Inherit the Stars / (James P. Hogan)
All My Sins Remembered/ 죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)
The Martian Inca / (Ian Watson)
A Little Knowledge/ 마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
If the Stars Are Gods /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford) & (Gordon Eklund)

【Fantasy Novel】
「실마릴리온」 The Silmarillion /J.R.R 톨킨(J. R. R. Tolkien) –씨앗을 뿌리는 사람들
Lady of Darkness/ (Fritz Leiber)
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever/ (Stephen R. Donaldson)
「샤이닝」 The Shining /스티븐 킹(Stephen King) -황금가지
The Sword of Shannara / (Terry Brooks)
Sword of the Demon / (Richard A. Lupoff)
Heir of Sea and Fire / (Patricia A. McKillip)
The Book of Merlyn / (T. H. White)
A Spell for Chameleon/ (Piers Anthony)
The Grey Mane of Morning/ (Joy Chant)
Cry Silver Bells / (Thomas Burnett Swann)
Trey of Swords / (Andre Norton)
Queens Walk in the Dusk/ (Thomas Burnett Swann)
Silver on the Tree / (Susan Cooper)

수상작 Stardance /스파이더(Spider) & 진 로빈슨(Jeanne Robinson)
A Snark in the Night /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
Aztecs / (Vonda N. McIntyre)
Auk House /크리포드.D 시막(Clifford D. Simak)
The Mars Ship /(Robert Thurston)
In the Hall of the Martian Kings / (John Varley)
The Family Monkey / (Lisa Tuttle)
Cold Cash War / (Robert Asprin)
Joelle /폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
The Wonderful Secret / r(Keith Laumer)
Growing Boys / (Robert Aickman)
Equinoctial / (John Varley)
Heretic in a Balloon/ (L. Sprague de Camp)

【Short Story】
수상작 Jeffty Is Five / (Harlan Ellison)
The Screwfly Solution / (Raccoona Sheldon)
Air Raid / (John Varley)
A Rite of Spring/ (Fritz Leiber)
Eyes of Amber / (Joan D. Vinge)
The Kugelmass Episode / (Woody Allen)
The Stone City /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Particle Theory / (Edward Bryant)
「엔더의 게임」 Ender's Game /오슨 스콧 카드(Orson Scott Card)
The Bagful of Dreams / (Jack Vance)
The Ninth Symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven and Other Lost Songs / (Carter Scholz)
The House of Compassionate Sharers /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
The Big Fans / (Keith Roberts)
The Detweiler Boy/ (Tom Reamy)
Prismatica /사뮤엘.R 딜레니(Samuel R. Delany)
Good-bye, Robinson Crusoe / (John Varley)
Camera Obscura / (Thomas F. Monteleone)
Dog Day Evening / (Spider Robinson)
Bitterblooms /죠지•R•R•마틴(George R. R. Martin)
Pinnocchio /(Stanley Schmidt)
A Rain of Pebbles/ (Stephen Leigh)

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로커스상 1978

수상작 Dreamsnake / (Vonda N. McIntyre)
Blind Voices / (Tom Reamy)
The White Dragon/ (Anne McCaffrey)
The Faded Sun: Kesrith/ (C. J. Cherryh)
Colony / (Ben Bova)
Stormqueen! / (Marion Zimmer Bradley)
The Far Call /고든.R 딕슨(Gordon R. Dickson)
The Avatar /폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
「엠버 연대기-혼돈의 궁전」 The Courts of Chaos /로져 젤리즈니(Roger Zelazny)

Strangers /가드너 드조와(Gardner Dozois)
The Stars in Shroud /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
Up the Walls of the World /제임스 탑트리 쥬니어(James Tiptree, Jr.)
The Outcasts of Heaven Belt / (Joan D. Vinge)
Sight of Proteus / (Charles Sheffield)
「더 스탠드」 The Stand /스티븐 킹(Stephen King) – 황금가지
Journey / (Marta Randall)
Gloriana /마이클 무아콕(Michael Moorcock)
Saint Camber / (Katherine Kurtz)
The Faded Sun: Shon'jir / (C. J. Cherryh)
Stardance II / (Spider) & (Jeanne Robinson)
The Eye of the Heron /어슐라.K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
Hotel Transylvania / (Chelsea Quinn Yarbro)
Masters of Solitude /(Marvin Kaye) & (Parke Godwin)
A Different Light / (Elizabeth A. Lynn)
Kalki / (Gore Vidal)

수상작 The Persistence of Vision / (John Varley)
The Watched / (Christopher Priest)
Seven American Nights/ 진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
Old Folks at Home /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)
Fireship / (Joan D. Vinge)
The Doctor of Death Island /진 울프(Gene Wolfe)
The Renewal / (Pamela Sargent)
Insects in Amber/ (Tom Reamy)
The Treasure of Odirex/ 찰즈 셰필드(Charles Sheffield)
A Chinese Perspective / (Brian W. Aldiss)

수상작 The Barbie Murders / (John Varley)
Hunter's Moon /폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
Mikal's Songbird /오슨 스콧 카드(Orson Scott Card)
Swanilda's Song /프레드릭 폴(Frederik Pohl)
Devil You Don't Know / (Dean Ing)
In Alien Flesh /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
The Nuptial Flight of Warbirds / (Algis Budrys)
The Gunslinger /스티븐 킹(Stephen King)
The Man Who Had No Idea / (Thomas M. Disch)
Shipwright /(Donald Kingsbury)
Black Glass / (Fritz Leiber)
Starswarmer /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
A Good Night's Sleep / (Avram Davidson)
The Morphology of the Kirkham Wreck /(Hilbert Schenck)
Selenium Ghosts of the Eighteen Seventies / (R. A. Lafferty)
Within the Walls of Tyre /마이클 비숍(Michael Bishop)

【Short Story】
수상작 Count the Clock that Tells the Time / (Harlan Ellison)
View From a Height / (Joan D. Vinge)
Stone / (Edward Bryant)
Virra / (Terry Carr)
A Hiss of Dragon /그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford) & (Marc Laidlaw)
「카산드라」 Cassandra / (C. J. Cherryh)
Drink Me & Francesca / (Richard Cowper)
A Thousand Deaths /오슨 스콧 카드(Orson Scott Card)
SQ /어슐라.K 르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
Whores / (Christopher Priest)
The Very Slow Time Machine / (Ian Watson)
Gotcha! /레이 브레드버리(Ray Bradbury)
A Quiet Revolution for Death/ (Jack Dann)

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