Winner Genesis 폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)

Winner The Chronoliths (Robert Charles Wilson)
Winner Terraforming Earth (Jack Williamson)

Winner Probability Space (Nancy Kress)

Winner Omega (Jack McDevitt)

Winner Market Forces (Richard K. Morgan)

by caspi

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수상작 Points of Departure 팻 머피(Pat Murphy)

수상작 King of Morning, Queen of Day 이언 맥도날드(Ian McDonald)

수상작 Through the Heart (Richard Grant)

수상작 Growing Up Weightless 존.M 포드(John M. Ford)
수상작 Elvissey 잭 워맥(Jack Womack)

수상작 Mysterium (Robert Charles Wilson)

수상작 Headcrash (Bruce Bethke)

수상작 「타임 쉽」 The Time Ships 스티븐 벡스터(Stephen Baxter)

수상작 The Troika (Stepan Chapman)

수상작 253: The Print Remix (Geoff Ryman)

수상작 Vacuum Diagrams 스티븐 벡스터(Stephen Baxter)

by caspi

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수상작 「소프트웨어」 Software 루디 러커(Rudy Rucker)

수상작 「아누비스의 문」 The Anubis Gates 팀 파워스(Tim Powers)
수상작 「뉴로맨서」 Neuromancer 월리엄 깁슨(William Gibson)
수상작 「기인궁의 연회」 Dinner at Deviant's Palace 팀 파워스(Tim Powers)

수상작 「호문크루스」 Homunculus 제임스•P•브레이록크(James P. Blaylock)

수상작 Strange Toys (Patricia Geary)

수상작 400 Billion Stars (Paul J. McAuley)
수상작 「웨트 웨어」 Wetware 루디 러커(Rudy Rucker)

수상작 Subterranean Gallery (Richard Paul Russo)

by caspi

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북마크하기찜하기 thankstoThanksTo

필립•K•딕상(Philip K. Dick Award)
필립•K•딕을 기념해 설정된 상.페이퍼북 라이터인 딕을 추모해서 미국에서 출판된 페이퍼북 오리지날 장편중에서 대상을 수상한다.

정확한 명칭은 필립 K 딕 기념상(Philip K. Dick Memorial Award)이다.
ThomasMDisch가 처음 주창하여 PhilipKDick이 작고한 이듬해인 1983년 제정되었다. SF팬들의 지역별 팬덤 중에서 뉴욕과 더불어 가장 오래된 필라델피아 과학소설협회(the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society)에서 주관하며, 그래서 매년 열리는 Norwescon이라는 컨벤션에서 수상자를 발표한다.

특징은 전년도에 페이퍼백으로 처음 출간된 책을 대상으로 심사한다는 점. 딕 자신이 생전에 작품을 발표할 때마다 거의 주목을 받지 못하고 출판사들로부터도 외면당했기 때문에 이 상도 전년도에 염가보급판으로 처음 출간된 SF나 판타지 소설을 심사대상으로 삼는다. 트레이드백으로 나온 책도 심사대상이지만 하드커버와 동시 발매되는 경우에는 제외된다. 5명의 심사위원단이 후보작을 읽고 최종 결정한다. SF도 하드커버로 발매되는 경향이 점점 가속화되면서 마땅한 후보작을 찾는 일이 자꾸 어려워지고 있다고 한다.

by caspi

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【Short Story】
수상작 Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Nameless House of the Night of Dread Desire/닐 게이먼(Neil Gaiman)
Pulp Cover /(Gene Wolfe)
'Tis the Season /(China Miéville)
The Wolf-man of Alcatraz /(Howard Waldrop)
The Annals of Eelin-Ok /(Jeffrey Ford)
Faces/ 죠 홀드맨(Joe Haldeman)
The Last Geek /(Michael Swanwick)
My Mother /(Nancy Kress)
Scout's Honor /(Terry Bisson)
The Best Christmas Ever /(James Patrick Kelly)
Singing My Sister Down/ (Margo Lanagan)
All of Us Can Almost... /(Carol Emshwiller)
The Gods of a Lesser Creation/ (William Barton)
Zora and the Zombie /(Andy Duncan)
Luciferase /블루스 스털링(Bruce Sterling)
Gliders Though They Be /(Carol Emshwiller)
The Mission /(Jack McDevitt)
Hula Ville /(James P. Blaylock)
Strood /(Neal Asher)
Synthetic Serendipity /(Vernor Vinge)
The Baum Plan for Financial Independence /(John Kessel)
Skindancing /(Liz Williams)
Oversite/ (Maureen F. McHugh)
tourism /(M. John Harrison9
The Green Glass Sea/ (Ellen Klages)
Red Hands, Black Hands/ (Chris Roberson)
Wonderwall /(Elizabeth Hand)
The Night Market/ (Holly Black)
Opal Ball /(Robert Reed)
Start the Clock /(Benjamin Rosenbaum)
Cold Fires /(M. Rickert)
Alone in the House of Mims /(Barth Anderson)
Dinosaur Songs /(Kathleen Ann Goonan)
Embracing-the-New /(Benjamin Rosenbaum)
Zero's Twin /(A. A. Attanasio)

수상작 The John Varley Reader /(John Varley)
The Collected Short Fiction of C. J. Cherryh /(C. J. Cherryh)
Phases of the Moon: Stories of Six Decades /로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
Innocents Aboard /(Gene Wolfe)
Mother Aegypt and Other Stories /(Kage Baker)
Secret Life/ (Jeff VanderMeer)
Novelities & Souvenirs: Collected Short Fiction /(John Crowley)
Breathmoss and Other Exhalations /(Ian R. MacLeod)
Neutrino Drag /(Paul Di Filippo)
Seventy-Five: The Diamond Anniversary of a Science Fiction Pioneer /(Jack Williamson)
Stable Strategies and Others /(Eileen Gunn)
Trujillo and Other Stories /(Lucius Shepard)
Black Juice/ (Margo Lanagan)
The Cat's Pajamas & Other Stories /(James Morrow)
The Banquet of the Lords of Night and Other Stories /(Liz Williams)
Cartomancy /(Mary Gentle)
Stagestruck Vampires & Other Phantasms /(Suzy McKee Charnas)
Two Trains Running /(Lucius Shepard)
Morning Child and Other Stories /(Gardner Dozois)
Partial Eclipse and Other Stories /(Graham Joyce)
Love's Body (Dancing in Time /(L. Timmel Duchamp)
American Sorrows /(Jay Lake)
Thumbprints /(Pamela Sargent)

수상작 The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-First Annual Collection Ed:/(Gardner Dozois)
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventeenth Annual Collection Ed:/(Ellen Datlow), (Kelly Link) & (Gavin J. Grant)
The Locus Awards: Thirty Years of the Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Ed:/(Charles N. Brown) & (Jonathan Strahan)
Year's Best SF 9 Ed:/(David G. Hartwell) & (Kathryn Cramer)
Between Worlds Ed:/로버트 실버버그(Robert Silverberg)
All-Star Zeppelin Adventure Stories Ed:/(David Moles) & (Jay Lake)
Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy Ed:/(Al Sarrantonio)
Year's Best Fantasy 4 Ed:/(David G. Hartwell) & (Kathryn Cramer)
Polyphony olume 4 Ed:/(Deborah Layne) & (Jay Lake)
The First Heroes: New Tales of the Bronze Age Ed:/(Harry Turtledove) & (Noreen Doyle)
Best Short Novels 2004 Ed:/(Jonathan Strahan)
Microcosms Ed:/그레고리 벤포드(Gregory Benford)
Nebula Awards Showcase 2004 Ed:/(Vonda N. McIntyre)
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Fifteen Ed:/(Stephen Jones)
Science Fiction: The Best of 2003 Ed:/(Karen Haber & Jonathan Strahan)
Conqueror Fantastic Ed:/(Pamela Sargent)

수상작The Wave in the Mind /어슐라 K.르귄(Ursula K. Le Guin)
Ray Bradbury: The Life of Fiction /(Jonathan R. Eller & William F. Touponce)
The Gernsback Days/ (Mike Ashley & Robert A. W. Lowndes)
Dancing Naked: The Unexpurgated William Tenn /(William Tenn)
The Annotated Brothers Grimm Ed:/(Maria Tatar)
Solar Labyrinth: Exploring Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun /(Robert Borski)
The Road to the Dark Tower: Exploring Stephen King's Magnum Opus/ (Bev Vincent)
x (y (z (t: Dimensions of Science Fiction /(Damien Broderick)
The Evolution of the Weird Tale /(S. T. Joshi)
Attending Daedalus: Gene Wolfe, Artifice and the Reader /(Peter Wright)
The Cherryh Odyssey /(Edward Carmien)
Speaking of the Fantastic II/ (Darrell Schweitzer)
Brazilian Science Fiction /(M. Elizabeth Ginway)

by caspi


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