Best Novel : Come to Grief /딕•프랜시스(Dick Francis)
Best First Mystery Novel: Penance / (David Housewright)
Best Original Paperback: Tarnished BLue / (William Heffernan)
Best Short Story : The Judge's Boy / (Jean B. Cooper)
Robert L. Fish Memorial: The World for Breaking August Sky/ (James Sarafin)

Best Novel: The Chatham School Affair/ (Thomas H. Cook)
Best First Mystery Novel: Simple Justice / (John Morgan Wilson)
Best Original Paperback: Fade Away / (Harlan Coben)
Best Short Story: Red Clay / (Michael Malone)
Robert L. Fish Memorial :The Prosecutor of DuPrey /(David Vaughn)

Best Novel : Cimarron Rose / (James Lee Burke)
Best First Mystery Novel: Los Alamos / (Joseph Kanon)
Best Original Paperback: Charm City / (Laura Lippman)
Best Short Story: Keller on the Spot /로렌스•블록(Lawrence Block)
Robert L. Fish Memorial :If Thine Eye Offend Thee /(Rosalind Roland)

Best Novel: Mr. White's Confession / (Robert Clark)
Best First Mystery Novel: A Cold Day in Paradise / (Steve Hamilton)
Best Original Paperback :The Widower's Two-Step / (Rick Riordan)
Best Short Story: Poachers /(Tom Franklin)
Robert L. Fish Memorial: Clarity /(Bryn Bonner)

Best Novel: 「뼈」 Bones / (Jan Burke)
Best First Mystery Novel: The Skull Mantra / (Eliot Pattison)
Best Original Paperback: Fulton County Blues / (Ruth Birmingham)
Best Short Story: Heroes / (Anne Perry)
Robert L. Fish Memorial :Cro-Magnon, P.I. /(Mike Reiss)

by caspi

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