#103.The Riddles of Hildegarde Withers/ Stuart Palmer

발행 년도:1947년
출판사/출판인:New York: Jonathan Press

•「Historical Significance:역사적 중요성」
•「Quality:문학적 가치」
•「Scarcity:입수 곤란」

수록 단편
•-The Riddle of the Lady from Dubuque-(The Puzzle of the Scorned Woman)
• -The Riddle of the Yellow Canary-
•-The Riddle of the Blue Fingerprint-(A Fingerprint in Cobalt)
•-The Riddle of the Doctor's Double-
•-The Riddle of the Twelve Amethysts-
•-The Riddle of the Black Museum-
•-The Riddle of the Green Ice-(Drop of Green Fire)
•-The Riddle of the Snafu Murder-

국내 출간:미 발행

by caspi

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