#084. Guys and Dolls/ Damon Runyon

발행 년도:1931년
출판사/출판인:New York: Fredrick A. Stokes

•「Historical Significance:역사적 중요성」
•「Quality:문학적 가치」
•「Scarcity:입수 곤란」

수록 단편
•-The Bloodhounds of Broadway-
•-Social Error-
•-The Lily of St. Pierre-
•-Butch Minds the Baby-
•-Romance in the Roaring Forties-
•-A Very Honorable Guy-
•-Madame La Gimp-
•-Dark Dolores-
•-"Gentlemen, the King!"-
•-The Hottest Guy in the World-
•-The Brain Goes Home-
•-Blood Pressure-

국내 발행:미출간

by caspi

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