■저작 리스트■
1.피터 웸지경 등장 작품 리스트
2.그외의 작품
1 The Documents in the Case 1930 로버트 유스타스와의 합작
【릴레이 장편】
1 Behind the Screen 1930
2 The Floating Admiral 1931
3 The Scoop
4 Ask a Policeman 1933
5 Six Against the Yard(Six Against Scotland Yard)
6 Double Death 1939
7 Crime on the Coast, and No Flowers by 1953
Ⅰ.Hangman's Holiday 1933 - 피터경 4편을 포함한 전12편
1 The Poisoned Dow 몬테규 에그 탐정
2 향수의 몬테규 에그 탐정
3 Murder in the Morning 몬테규 에그 탐정
4 One Too Many 몬테규 에그 탐정 외 8편
Ⅱ.In the Teeth of the Evidence 1939 - 피터경 2편을 포함한 전17편
1 A Shot at Goal - 몬테규 에그 탐정
2 Dirt Cheap 몬테규 에그 탐정
3 Bitter Almonds - 몬테규 에그 탐정
4 False Weight - 몬테규 에그 탐정
5 The Professor's Manuscript 몬테규 에그 탐정
6 The Milk Bottles -
7 Dilemma
8 An Arrow O'er the House
9 Scrawns
10 Nebuchadnezzar -
11 녹색의 두발
12 Blood Sacrifice
13 Suspicion 의혹 1933
14 The Leopard Lady
15 The Old Gray Cat
【범죄 실화집】
Ⅰ.The Anatomy of Murder 1936 – 크로푸트,아일즈등 7명의 작가가 각각 실재의 범죄 사건을
추리한 작품
1 The Zeal of Thy House 1937 -
2 He That Should Come 1938 -
3 The Davil to Pay 1939 -
4 Love All 1940 -
5 The Man Born to Be King 1942 -
6 The Just Vengeance 1946 -
7 The Emperor Constantine: A Chronicle 1951 -
1 Great Short Stories of Detection,Mystery and Horror 1 (미 The Omnibus of Crime)1928
2 Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery and Horror 2 1931 -
3 Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery and Horror 3 1934 -
4 Tales of Detection 1936 -
1Sutudies in Sherlock Holmes1946
1 Holmes' College Career -
2 Dr. Watson, Widower -
3 The Dates in the Red-Headed League
4 Aristotle on Detective Fiction -
by caspi