■저작 리스트■ 1 스미자르씨(Smethers) 등장 작품 리스트 2 죠셉 죠킨즈씨(Mr. Joseph Jorkens) 【단편집】 전부90편정도 발표 1 The Travel Tales of Mr. Joseph Jorkens 1931 - 2 Jorkens Remembers Africa1934 - 3 Jorkens Has a Large Whiskey 1940 - 4 The Fourth Book of Jorkens 1948 - 5 Jorkens Borrows Another Whiskey1954 - 6 The Last Book of Jorkens 2002 - 1957년에 발표된 단행본 미수록작품을 수록 【단편 소설】 위 5권의 단편집에 포함된 일부 단편 소설 Mrs. Jorkens The Witch of the Williows Fairy Gold A Large Diamond The Last Bull The Sacred City of Krakovlitz A Daughter of Rameses Jarton's Disease The Electric King Our Distant Cousins Strategy at the Billiard Club Near the Back of Beyond A Deal with the Devil The Verdict The Strange Drug of Dr. Caber 【옴니버스】 1 The Collected Jorkens vol.1 2004 2 The Collected Jorkens vol.2 3 The Collected Jorkens vol.3 2004 3 그 외의 작품 【장편】 1 「Don Rodriguez: Chronicls of Shadow Valley /그림자 골짜기 이야기」1922 2 「The King of Elfland's Daughter/앨프랜드의 왕녀」 1924 3 「The Charwoman's Shadow/마법사의 제자」 1926 4 The Blessing of Pan 1927 5 The Curse of the Wise Woman 1933 - 아일랜드의 현실 생활을 말한 소설 6 Up in the Hills 1935 - 7 Rory and Bran 1936 - 8 My Talks with Dean Spanley - 9 The Story of Mona Sheehy 1939 - 10 Guerrilla 1944 - 전쟁 소설 11 The Strange Journeys of Colonel Polders 1950 - 12 The Last Revolution 1951 - 유일한 SF 13 His Fellow Men 1952 - 14 The Pleasures of a Futuroscope 2003 - 미발표 장편/1955년경에 집필된 것 【단편집】 #1.The Gods of Pegana 1905 처녀작품 -The Gods of Pegana -Of Skarl the Drummer -Of the Making of the Worlds -Of the Game of the Gods -The Chaunt of the Gods -The Sayings of Kib─Sender of Life in all the Worlds -Concerning Sish─The Destroyer of Hours -Of Sayings of Sid─Whose Soul Is by the Sea -The Deeds of Mung─Lord of All Deaths between Pegana and the Rim -The Chaunt of the Priests -The Sayings of Limpang-Tung─The God of Mirth and of Melodious Minsrels -Of Yoharneth-Lahai─The God of Little Dreams and Fancies -Of Roon, the God of Going─And the Thousand Home Gods -The Revolt of the Home Gods -Of Dorozhand─Whose Eyes Regard the End -The Eye in the Waste -Of the Thing That Is Neither God Nor Beast -Yonath the Prophet -Yug the Prophet -Alhireth-Hotep the Prophet -Kabok the Prophet -Of the Calamity That Befel Yun-Ilara by the Sea─and of the Building of the Tower of the Ending of Days -Of How the Gods Whelmed Sidith -Of How Imbaun Became High Prophet in Aradec─of All the Gods Save One -Of How Imbaun Met Zodrak -Pegana -The Sayings of Imbaun -Of How Imbaun Spake of Death to the King -Of Ood -The River -The Bird of Doom and THE END 1 시작 #2. Time and the Gods 1906 -Time and the Gods) -The Coming of the Sea) -A Legend of the Dawn) -The Vengeance of Men) -When the Gods Slept) -The King That Was Not) -The Cave of Kai) -The Sorrow of Search) -The Men of Yarnith) -For the Honour of the Gods) -Night and Morning) -Usury) -Mlideen) -The Secret of the Gods) -The South Wind) -In the Land of Time) -The Relenting of Sarnidac) -The Jest of the Gods) -The Dreams of the Prophet) -The Journey of the King) #3. The Sword of Welleran 1908 -The Sword of Welleran) -The Fall of Babbulkund) -The Kith of the Elf-Folk) -The Highwayman) -In the Twilight) -The Ghosts) -The Whirlpool) -Hurricane) -The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth) -The Lord of Cities) -The Doom of La Traviata) -On the Dry Land) #4. A Dreamer’s Tales 1910 -Poltarnees, Beholder of Ocean) -Blagdaross) -The Madness of Andelsprutz) -Where the Tides Ebb and Flow) -Bethmoora) -Idle Days on the Yann) -he Sword and the Idol) -The Idle City) -The Hashish Man) -Poor Old Bill) -The Beggars) -Carcassonne) -In Zaccarath) -The Field) -The Day of the Poll) -The Unhappy Body) #5. The Book of Wonder 1912 총 14편 수록 #6. Fifty-One Tales 1915 카 -Assignation) -Charon) -The Death of Pan) -The Sphinx at Gizeh) -The Hen) -Wind and Fog) -The Raft-Builders) -The Workman) -The Guest) -Death and Odysseus) -Death and the Orange) -The Prayer of the Flowers) -Time and the Tradesman) -The Little City) -The Unpasturable Fields) -The Worm and the Angel) -The Songless Country) -The Latest Thing) -The Demagogue and the Demi-Monde) -The Giant Poppy) -Roses) -The Man with the Golden Ear-rings) -The Dream of King Karna-Vootra) -The Storm) -A Mistaken Identity) -The True History of the Hare and the Tortoise) -Alone the Immortals) -A Moral Little Tale) -The Return of Song) -Spring in Town) -How the Enemy Came to Thrunrana) -A Losing Game) -Taking Up Piccadilly) -After the Fire) -The City) -The Food of Death) -The Lonely Idol) -The Sphinx in Thebes (Massachusetts)) -The Reward) -The Trouble in Leafy Green Street) -The Mist) -Furrow-Maker) -Lobster Salad) -The Return of the Exiles) -Nature and Time) -The Song of the Blackbird) -The Messengers) -The Three Tall Sons) -Compromise) -What We Have Come to) -The Tomb of Pan) -The Poet Speaks with Earth) #7. Tales of Wonder)(미 Last Book of Wonder 1916 총 19편 수록 #8.Tales of War(전쟁 소설집) 1918 - #9.Unhappy Far-Off Things 1919 - 제1차 대전의 경험을 바탕으로 쓰여진 산문집 #10. Tales of Three Hemispheres 1919 -The Last Dream of Bwona Khubla) -How the Office of Postman Fell Vacant in Otford-under-the-Wold) -The Prayer of Boob Aheera) -East and West) -A Pretty Quarrel) -How the Gods Avenged Meoul Ki Ning) -The Gift of the Gods) -The Sack of Emeralds) -The Old Brown Coat) -An Archive of the Older Mysteries) -A City of Wonder) -Beyond the Fields We Know) [1] Idle Days on the Yann) [2] A Shop in Go-by-Street) [3] The Avenger of Perdondaris) #11. Gods, Men and Ghosts: The Best Supernatural Fiction of Lord Dunsany (1940) #12.Five Modern Plays (1940) #13. The Man Who Ate the Phoenix 1949 -The Man Who Ate the Phoenix) -The Widow Flynn's Apple Tree) -Where Everyone's Business Is Known) -The Rose By-pass -An Old Man's Tale) -How the Tinker Came to Skavangur) -The Opal Arrow-head) -The Sultan's Pet) -The Descent of the Sultan of Khash) -The Policeman's Prophecy) -The Wind in the Wood) -The Tiger's Skin) -The Finding of Mr. Jupkens) -The Awful Dream) -Mrs. Mulger) -The Choice) -Rose Tibbets) -Little Snow White up to Date) -The Return) -The Mad Ghost) -The Cause) -The Cut) -The Sleuthing of Lily Bostum) -The Possibility of Life on the Third Planet) -Old Emma) -How Abdul Din Saved Justice) -The First Watch-dog) -The Chess-player, the Financier and Another) -The Honorary Member) -The Experiment) -Down Among the Kingcups) -The Gratitude of the Devil) -The After-dinner Speech) -The Je-Ne-Sais-Quoi) -Poseidon) -A Near Thing) -Ardor Canis) -A Lapse of Memory) -Forty Years On) -The Iron Door) -The Great Scoop) #14.Little Tales of Smethers: And Other Stories (1952) #15.At the Edge of the World (1970) #16.Beyond the Fields We Know (1972) #17.The Hashish Man: And Other Stories (1972) #18.Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsany (1972) #19.Over the Hills and Far Away (1974) #20.Food of Death: Fifty-One Tales (1974) #21.Plays of Gods and Men (1977) #22. The Ghosts of the Heaviside Layer: and Other Fanta는 1980 단행본 미수록단편14편, 에세이14편, 희곡 2편수록 -The Ghost of the Valley) -The Field Where the Satyrs Danced) -Autumn Cricket) -How the Lost Causes Were Removed from Valhalla) -The Ghost of the Heaviside Layer) -Correcting Nature) -The Ghost in the Old Corridor) -A Royal Swan) -The Revelation to Mr. Periple) -Told Under Oath) -By Night in the Forest) #23.The Complete Pegana (1986) #24.Wonder Tales (2003) #25.In the Land of Time: And Other Fantasy Tales (2004) #26.Idle Days On The Yann and Other Stories (2004) #27.The Last Book of Wonder (2004) #28.The Ginger Cat and Other Lost Plays (2005) 【앤솔러지】 No. 사건명 발표년 국역 비고 1 Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsany 1912 - W•B•이이트편 【희곡】 1 Five Plays 1914 - 2 Plays of Gods and Men 1917 - 3 If 1921 - 4 Plays of Near and Far 1922 - 5 Alexander and Three small plays 1925 - 6 Seven Modern Comedies 1928 - 7 The Old Folk of the Centuries 1930 - 8 Lord Adrian 1933 - 9 Mr. Faithful 1935 - 10 Plays for Earth and Air 1937 - 【시집】 1 Fifty Poems 1929 - 2 Mirage Water 1938 - 3 War Poems 1941 - 4 Wandering Songs 1943 - 5 A Journey 1944 - 6 The Year 1946 - 7 The Odes of Horace 1947 - 8 To Awaken Pegasus 1949 - 【자전】 1 Patches of Sunlight 1938 - 2 While the Sirens Slept 1944 - 3 The Sirens Wake 1945 - 【에세이•평론 그 외】 1 Nowadays 1918 - 에세이 2 If I Were Dictator 1934 - 팜플렛 3 Building a Sentence - 에세이 4 My Ireland 1937 - 에세이집 5 The Donellan Lectures 1943~1945 - 강연집 6 A Glimpse from A Watch Tower 1946 - 팜플렛 by caspi