■저작 리스트■
1 신사 도둑 A•J•래플즈 등장 작품 리스트

2 그 외의 작품
1 A Bride from the Bush 1890 - 호낭의 데뷔작
2 Under Two Skies 1892 -  
3 Tiny Luttrell 1893 -  
4 The Boss of Taroomba 1894 -  
5 The Unbidden Guest -  
6 The Rogue's March 1896 -  
7 Irralie's Bushranger -  
8 My Lord Duke 1897 -  
9 Young Blood 1898 -  
10 Dead Men Tell No Tales 1899 -  

11 The Belle of Toorak(The Shadow of a Man) 1900 -  
12 Peccavi -  

13 The Shadow of the Rope 1902 -  

14 At Large -  
15 No Hero 1903
16 Denis Dent -  
17 The Camera Fiend 1911 -  

18 Fathers of Men 1912 -  
19 Witching Hill 1913 -  

20 The Thousandth Woman -  
21 Ballad of Ensign Joy 1917

1 Some Persons Unknown 1898 -  
2 Stingaree 1905 - 래플즈를 닮은 톰 에리크센 등장

3 The Crime Doctor 1914 - 범죄 박사 존 달러 등장

4 The Young Guard 1919 -  
5 Old Offenders and a Few Old Scores 1923 -  

by caspi

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