■저작 리스트■
1 유령 사냥꾼 카낙키 등장 작품 리스트

2 Borderland 3부작작품 리스트
1 The Boats of the Glen Carrig 1907 - 호지슨의 처녀 장편

2 The House on the Borderland 1908  SF  

3 The Ghost Pirates 1909 -  

3 그 외의 작품
1 Night Land  

2 Poem and A Dream of X -  
3 Cargunka 1914 -  
4 Captain Gault 1917 -  

No. 사건명 발표년 국역 비고
1 Men of the Deep Waters 1914 -  
2 The Luck of the Strong 1916 -  
3 Captain Gault 1917 -  
4 The House on the Borderland & Other Novels 1946 - 보더 랜드 3부작과 나이트 랜드를 수록

【단편 소설】
The Voice in the Night
A Tropical Horror
The Mystery of the Derelict
The Finding of the Graiken
The Stone Ship
The Derelict
The Island of the Ud
The Terror of the Water Tank
The Sea Horses
The Thing in the Weeds
From the Tideless Sea
The Adventure of the Headland
The Shamraken Homeward-Bounder
The Crew of the Lancing
The Habitants of Middle Islet
The Call in the Dawn

by caspi

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