#045. The Man of the Forty Faces/T. W. Hanshew

발행 년도:1910년
출판인/출판사:London: Cassell

•「Historical Significance:역사적 중요성」

수록 단편

•-The Affair of the Man Who Called Himself Hamilton Cleek-
• -The Problem of the Red Crawl-
• -The Riddle of teh Scared Son-
• -The Caliph's Daughter-
• -The Riddle of the Ninth Finger-
• -The Wizard's Belt-
• -The Riddle of the 5:28-
•-The Lion's Smile-
•-The Mystery of the Steel Room-
•-The Riddle of the Siva Stones-
•-The Divided House-
•-The Riddle of the Rainbow Pearl-

국내 발행:미 출간

by caspi

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