- 【Novel】
- 수상작 Rendezvous With Rama 라마와 량데뷰 /아서·C·클럭(Arthur C. Clarke)
- Gravity's Rainbow /(Thomas Pynchon)
- The Man Who Folded Himself /데이비드드·브린(David Gerrold)
- The People of the Wind /폴·앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
- Time Enough For Love 로버트·A·하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein)
- 【Novella】
- 수상작 Death of Doctor Island /(Gene Wolfe)
- Chains of the Sea /(Gardner Dozois)
- Junction /(Jack Dann)
- Death and Designation Among the Asadi /(Michael Bishop)
- The White Otters of Childhood /(Michael Bishop)
- 【Novelette】
- 수상작 Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand /(Vonda N. McIntyre)
- The Deathbird /(Harlan Ellison)
- The Girl Who Was Plugged In /(James Tiptree, Jr.)
- Case and the Dreamer /시오드아·스타젼(Theodore Sturgeon)
- 【Short Story】
- 수상작 Love Is the Plan, the Plan is Death /(James Tiptree, Jr.)
- With Morning Comes Mistfall /죠지·R·R·마틴(George R. R. Martin)
- How I Lost the Second World War and Helped Turn Back the German Invasion /(Gene Wolfe)
- Shark /(Edward Bryant)
- A Thing of Beauty /(Norman Spinrad)
- Wings /(Vonda N. McIntyre)