- 【Novel】
- 수상작 Ender's Game 앤더의 게임/오슨·스콧·카드(Orson Scott Card)
- Blood Music「블래드·뮤직」/ 그랙·베어(Greg Bear)
→움직이는 책들
- Cuckoo's Egg /(C. J. Cherryh)
- Footfall /(Larry Niven) & (Jerry Pournelle)
- The Postman /데이비드 브린(David Brin)
- 【Novella】
- 24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai /로져 젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
- Green Mars /(Kim Stanley Robinson)
- The Only Neat Thing To Do (James Tiptree, Jr.)
- Sailing to Byzantium /(Robert Silverberg)
- The Scapegoat /(C. J. Cherryh)
- 【Novelette】
- Winner Paladin of the Lost Hour /(Harlan Ellison)
- Dogfight /(Michael Swanwick) & (William Gibson)
- The Fringe /오슨·스콧·카드(Orson Scott Card)
- A Gift from the Gray Landers /(Michael Bishop)
- Portraits of His Children /죠지·R·R·마틴(George R. R. Martin)
- 【Short Story】
- Fermi and Frost /(Frederik Pohl)
- Dinner in Audoghast /블루스·스털링(Bruce Sterling)
- Flying Saucer Rock and Roll/(Howard Waldrop)
- Hong's Bluff /(William F. Wu)
- Snow /(John Crowley)