Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1 (Paperback, 미국판) Diary of a Wimpy Kid (윔피키드) 1
제프 키니 지음 / Amulet Books / 2009년 7월
평점 :

약자에겐 강하고 강자에겐 약한 소심하고 비겁한 즉, 평범한 Greg의 속내를 볼 수 있는 재밌는 일기. 쉬운 일상 영어 표현이 많아 영어공부 교재로도 좋을 것 같다.

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exercise regimen 운동을 통한 다이어트

But Mom said if I wanted a weight set, I was going to have to prove that I could stick with an exercise regimen. She said I could do that by doing sit-ups and jumping jacks for two weeks. - P88

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Catch somebody red-handed ~을 현행범으로 붙잡다
chew out …을 호되게 꾸짖다, 야단치다
be grounded 외출금지를 당하다

Right in the middle of our game, Mrs. Craig around the corner and caught us red-handed. She took the music player away from me and started chewing us out. - P34

Tonight, Dad yelled at me for about ten minutes, and then I guess he decided he‘d rather be in bed than standing in my room in his underwear. He told me I was grounded from playing video games for two weeks, which is about what I expected.
I guess I should be glad that‘s all he did. - P38

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let him have it 혼내다
close call 구사일생, 아슬아슬 위기모면

Yesterday, Manny drew a self-portrait on my bedroom door in permanent marker. I thought Mom and Dad were really going to let him have it, but as usual, I was wrong. - P21

Luckily none of my friends have found out yet, but believe me, I have had some really close calls. - P22

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But if there‘s one thing I learned from Rodrick, it‘s to set people‘s expectations real low so you end up surprising them by practically doing nothing at all. - P15

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