Caleb's Story (Paperback)
패트리샤 매클라클랜 지음 / HarperTrophy / 2004년 8월
평점 :

10월 영어읽기. Sarah 시리즈 3권이다. 뻔한 가족 화해 스토리인데, 너무나 단순한 문장인데, 주책맞게 토요일 아침부터 눈물바람나게 한다. 거센 겨울 바람과 눈과 태풍으로 인한 고립이 따사로운 햇살로 풀어지듯이, 아름답게 화합을 이루는 가족 이야기. Not one thing in the world is wrong.

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"Sleep well, Caleb?"
I shook my head.
"What happened last night was my fault," I said. "I put up the rope, Sarah. I must havedone it wrong."
"Fault?" said Sarah. "Oh, Caleb, I want you to listen to me. There comes a time when fault doesn‘t matter. Things happen. And we can‘t blame ourselves - or someone else-forever." - P109

"Things happen, Jacob," I heard Sarah say. "The rope broke. I could have died."
"Don‘t, Sarah," said Papa.
"You could have lost me, Jacob," said Sarah. "And that‘s the way life is. Something happens . . one little moment in time. If you‘re lucky, you have a chance to make things better. You have that chance here. Don‘t let it pass." - P111

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I handed Grandfather a blank book.
"What is this?" he asked.
"This is yours," I said. "Yours to write in. You can do it now."
Grandfather opened it. I had written hisname-JOHN WITTING-there. He turned thepages and saw them all empty and white. Grandfather put a hand on his chest.
I was scared. I thought he was sick.
Grandfather waved me away.
"It isn‘t pain," he said to me.
He closed his empty book and looked at me.
"It‘s love," he said. - P91

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Sarah 시리즈 3번째.
1권과 2권은 첫째 Anna가 화자이고, 3권은 둘째 Caleb이 화자.
새로운, 정체불명의 남자가 등장.
이 남자의 정체는?!

I sat down and opened the empty book.
"If Anna were writing in this book," I said,
"she would begin a story. ‘Once upon a time astrange old man visited the Witting farm . . .‘
"A robber," said Cassie slyly.
"Stop that, Cassie. He is not a robber," said Sarah.
"Now I have something to write about in my book," I said.
"There are always things to write about,"
Sarah said. "Thoughts, fears, wishes, hopes, dreams."
I looked across the table at Cassie. Her mouth formed the word "robbers."
I smiled and began to write. - P20

At last something has happened here. Not just snow and wind and chores. A strange man has come to the farm. Cassie found him first.
He is not imaginary.
But he is mysterious. - P21

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Sarah, Plain and Tall 사라, 플레인 앤 톨 (영어원서 + 워크북 + 오디오북) - 개정판 뉴베리 컬렉션 3
패트리샤 매클라클랜 지음, 이수영 외 감수 / 롱테일북스 / 2023년 2월
평점 :

Papa는 신문 공고로 부인을 구하고 먼 메인주에서 편지를 보낸 Sarah와 편지를 주고받고 마침내 Sarah가 찾아온다. 처음부터 호감을 갖는 그들. 마침내 가족이 되는 그들.
뉴베리 컬렉션 시리즈 좋다. 이 컬렉션 꾸준히 읽어봐야겠다. 단어 정리도 잘 되어 있고.

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