We shook hands again, but this time he took my hand in both of his own.
"Just so you know," he said. "Being nice is the first step toward being kind. It‘s a pretty awesome start. I‘m supremely proud of you, Charlotte."
Maybe he knew it and maybe he didn‘t, but for someone like me, words like that are worth all the medals in the world. - P298

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"But what if we have soccer practice?" asked Ruby, in the middle of a plié.
"Ladies, sometimes in life you have to choose," Mrs. Atanabi answered. "You can‘t have soccer practice and be in this dance. It‘s as simple as that. I don‘t want to hear any excuses about homework assignments or tests or anything else. Even one missed rehearsal istoo much! Remember, this is not something you‘re required to dofor school! You don‘t have to be here, girls. You won‘t be getting extra credit. If the appeal of dancing on one of the world‘s most famous stages isn‘t enough for you, then please don‘t try out." She extended her arm all the way and pointed to the exit. "I won‘t take it personally." - P202

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Dad cleared his throat. "Chris, please don‘t beat yourself up," he said slowly. "Mom knows you love her so much. Listen, this wasa scary thing that happened today. It‘s natural for you to be upset. When something scary like this happens, it acts like a wake-up call, you know? It makes us reassess what‘s important in life. Our family. - P169

Our friends. The people we love." He was looking at me while hewas talking, but I almost felt like he was talking to himself. His eyeswere very moist. "Let‘s just be grateful she‘s fine, okay, Chris? Andwe‘ll take really good care of her together, okay?"
I nodded. I didn‘t try to say anything, though. I knew it wouldjust come out as more tears.
Dad pulled me close to him, but he didn‘t say anything, either. Maybe for the same reason. - P170

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"Chris, what do you want me to say?" Mom answered. "They‘re our friends. Isabel is my good friend, just like Auggie is your good friend. And when good friends need us, we do what we can to help them, right? We can‘t just be friends when it‘s convenient. Good friendships are worth a little extra effort!"
When I didn‘t say anything, she kissed my hand.
"I promise I‘ll only be a few minutes late," she said.
But she wasn‘t just a few minutes late. She ended up being morethan an hour late. - P126

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Grandmère stroked my head and hugged me.
"Julian," she said softly. "You are so young. The things you did, you know they were not right. But that does not mean you - P83

are not capable of doing right. It only means that you chose todo wrong. This is what I mean when I say you made a mistake. It was the same with me. I made a mistake with Tourteau.
"But the good thing about life, Julian," she continued, "is that we can fix our mistakes sometimes. We learn from them. We get better. I never made a mistake like the one I made with Tourteau again, not with anyone in my life. And I have had avery, very long life. You will learn from your mistake, too. You must promise yourself that you will never behave like that with anyone else again. One mistake does not define you, Julian. Doyou understand me? You must simply act better next time."
I nodded, but I still cried for a long, long time after that. - P84

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