삐삐 롱스타킹의 모험 이야기. 항상 새로운 모험을 찾아다니고, 또한 집 안에 가만히 있기만 해도 모험이 알아서 굴러들어오는 어린 영웅, 삐삐. 말라깽이이지만 엄청난 힘을 소유하고, 캡틴 롱스타킹이 남겨준 금화로 인해 엄청난 부자이기까지 하다. 하지만 아무것도 모른채 때묻지 않은 순수한 생각을 유지하는 소녀, 삐삐. 과연 이번 편에서 그녀는 무엇을 만날 것인가? 

Before, Pippi had a lot of adventures. She always said to her people that her father is the Carnibal King, and I thought she was lying. Well, it was true, and she had funny times with her father. She played a lot at her father's island, and went back to her place where she was living. And now, Pippi found new adventures. 

Pippi's father visited her, and she had enjoyed that moments a lot. She had farewell to his friends, and had to go to aboard with his father. Pippi's stories are always special. I feel comfortable while I am reading her story. So, next time, Pippi would traveling somewhere else with his Carnibal King father, Captain Longstocking. 

아스트리드 린드그렌의 이야기는 영화로 만들어졌을 정도로 많은 인기를 누렸고, 지금도 아이들은 무적의 소녀 삐삐의 이야기를 읽으면서 많은 것들을 느낄 수 있을 것이다. 앞으로도 삐삐의 이야기가 아이들에게 많이 읽히기를 바란다.

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비로그인 2011-03-22 21:22   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
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