Let's Do the Pharaoh! (Paperback)
Strong, Jeremy / Penguin Books, Limited (UK) / 2009년 1월
평점 :

There was a big accident that ocurred from an ancient pharaoh. A man who loved cats now came again with mummy dance! 

There was a modelling competition, and Ben and Carrie wanted to make him join the contest, because they thought this pharaoh is just a perfect one for modelling. This 4,000-year-old man had a great appearance for pharaoh, and he could assimilate mummy dance from Carrie perfectly. Well, maybe they didn't expect him to win the contest. They really surprised that this pharaoh won the competition. They could be happy, but it was just a start of disaster. The many bad people started to follow the mummy dance and costumes. 

People thought this pharaoh is just a mentally retarded elderly, but he was a real pharaoh. Yes, we can believe he is not natural who insist himself as a famous hero. But this cat-lover became peaceful with his new family and cats, again!

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