Dinosaur Pox (Paperback) Jeremy Strong : Reading 3.0 이상 5
제레미 스트롱 지음 / Penguin Group / 2009년 1월
평점 :

Well, I'm really expect for the movie, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes". It's a movie about chimpanzees who are really smart as human. It appeared people's greed and the resist of revoluted apes. So, I imagined if there were a dinosaur in the planet. People must have ability to catch them, but won't they resist if they have intelligence? 

It was a quite good story about dinosaurs. It was just like E.T, the met of an alien and several children. In this story, there is a dinosaur that is close to a boy. And there were greedy grown-ups who tried to take the dinosaurs from the boy. 

However, there is a word that justice is right. The one who tried to put dinosaur into a cell finally caught to police and shut in. The stegosaurus Jodie got freedom. I think human shouldn't suppress other species of creatures.

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