There's a Pharaoh in Our Bath! (Paperback) Jeremy Strong 22
제레미 스트롱 지음 / Puffin / 2009년 1월
평점 :

There were always a lot of stories about undead monsters, and one of them was mummy from pyramid. The mummies are the dead bodies of the ancient Egyptians. Some rich people could be a mummy by their wealth. And Pharaoh were mustly made into mummies. And unfortunately, a pharaoh lived for thousands as a mummy! And now, he met a present age and living a new life! 

Sennapod was robbed by the grave robbers, but he could alive with miracle. He went out from his coffin, and run away from that place. This was the start of Pharaoh's funny advanture, and the start of Ben's family's hardship. 

Pharaoh made the family quite hard, but he also made them a funny time. He enjoyed the every parts of this land, and his reaction made me quite fun. If I have a friend who comes from the past like Pharaoh, then what should I do? If he was the king of ancient city, then I should have a worse life I think.

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