Return of the Hundred-mile-an-hour Dog (Paperback) Jeremy Strong 17
제레미 스트롱 지음 / Puffin / 2007년 1월
평점 :

항상 새로운 주제를 가지고 새롭게 우리를 웃기는 제레미 스트롱. 이번에는, 마치 백막 불짜리 사나이를 표절한 듯한 제목인 백만 마일을 달리는 개 이야기였다. 바람처럼 달리는 개, Streaker가 일으키는 다양한 사건때문에 골치아파하는 주인공. 과연 이번에는 어떤 사건이 발생할까? 

Streaker means, as fast as wind. Well, this improve that this dog is really fast. Althought running hundred mile on hour is just a metaphorical expression, it can run as fast as wind and like to make problems. Streaker joined a locak dog show, and our hero, Trevor is going to have problem with his dog. Can he solve his problems well, or he have to meet police with his dog. 

Although a dog can make a lot of problems, I thought I want to have a dog like Streaker. Running fast as a jet hurricane must be annoyed, but it won't make me boring. I think Trevor is great. He must be annoyed being stepped on dogs, but he still enduring and raising Streaker. If I have a dog like Streaker, than I sware my life will be changed by this trouble maker!

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