Art Show Mystery (Paperback) Walker High Mysteries 1
Robins, Eleanor 지음 / Saddleback Pub / 2006년 8월
평점 :

This time, Paige tried to join a art show mystery. There were too many mysteries in walker high schools, and I convicted that it was happened by someone else. Well, my guess was quite wrong. It was just a fault of teachers and students. They changed room numbers, and they corrected them after Paige took her painting in room 19. She thought it was room 19, but it was room 15. The number was changed, and Paige thought her painting was missing. 

Well, my guess was incorrected, but this story was quite interesting. I realized that small reverse can treat people well. I should think many people couldn't catch that the room number can be changed. 

The art show mystery was fun, too. I hope to read another walker high school mysteries series, too.

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